She turns towards you, finally giving you a chance to see her face. Cute, lightly freckled, little button nose, wide smile, dull red hair shining with sweat. You tried to take it all in but in just a moment she was on you, her palms filling the sky as she reached for you.
Oh, this is something else~. You're practically purring in your head; it feels like your whole body's become a big, thirsty erogenous zone. Her fingers, soft, with short-clipped nails, ran along your straps as she slung you around her shoulders. It's a massage, slow and sweet, and you only look forward to its conclusion because of what's waiting after.
Her breasts stare down at you, small pink nipples acting as targets for your form. You know that at full size that this girl would be practically flat, but from this point of view she was a mountain of bust, and you a waiting climber.
Annd... Contact. You feel it more than see it, the soft flesh filling your every nook and cranny. She clips the back together and adjusts; her chest moves in you, and you move with it, a dance that strokes your fancy, lifting your mind to higher and higher heights. You were one with her now, and as she slipped her dress over you did not lament the loss of the outside world. This girl, who's name you did not know and whose face you hardly saw, was everything. Her beating heart, her uneven breaths, her lilting voice each sent waves of pleasure ricocheting through you. And despite it all, she didn't have a clue.
In the back of your mind a small voice berates you, but you push it aside. No one's getting hurt, and anyway this is why that devil gave you this Power in the first place.
"Come on," she says, probably to her friend though from your vantage it was hard to tell and harder to care, "Let's get going..."