You hide until you finally see your chance to move. Well, the two giantesses that were coming closer.
It was a mother and daughter if you can guess their age right. One looked around ten or eleven, while the other one looked like she was in her late twenties. Both of them were dressed up as witches. You know plenty of parents that take part in Halloween with their kids and you guess this was one of those situations.
The little girl was checking her candy in her bag out, while the other was walking along side her. “How about we stop at this house Arlette?” The mother said as they went to a house not too far away. You get yourself into position. Mentally slapping yourself as you see them at the door. The little girl gets the candy, and even the Mom gets 1 chocolate bar as they came closer.
The two giant witches came into your sight as they stepped closer.
“Hey! Hey there! Look here!” You say jumping around in a panic. The two girls didn’t stop as they just continued to walk. You almost got flattened under their boots as they walked past. “Please stop!”
And like that, the kid did. Stopping as the mother turned around.
“Looking at your Candy Arlette?”
“No, I heard something Mom.” The child looked around as you run to her shoe. Pounding the side.
“Down here! Down here!”
“Do you hear that Mom!” Arlette questioned.
The mother paid attention, and like that... she heard. She looked down at her daughter’s foot, seeing a small bug by her feet.
Now of course as a mother she was concerned at first. However, she got down to her knee and took a closer look. “A little man!”
You turned seeing the mother looking at you. You breathe a sigh of relief, until you heard the clacking from behind.
“It’s a tiny boy Mom!” Arlette was excited as she came down. “That’s the best costume ever!”
“I don’t think it’s a costume.” The Mother said. “Maybe it’s a part of a costume that fell off.”
“N-No! I’m real!” You shout which got the mother’s attention.
“Wow.” Arlette said with a smile. You look up at the girl who was now on her knees to get a closer look at you.
“I can’t... believe this, how did it happen!” The mother said.
“A-An actual witch.” You say finding the irony. “She shrunk me, and then just randomly sent me here! G-Glad I actually got your attention so soon!” You say up to her.
“Well, it was Arlette here who found you.”
“Oh. Thank you!” You say up the daughter.
She smiled down as she touched you with a finger, pushing you. “Wow, this is so cool. It must be, super scary down there. Even a bug would have you for dinner.”
A shiver went down your spine as the mother laughed. “My daughter’s got a creepy sense of humor. Don’t scare him Arlette. My name is June.”
“C-Can you pick me up?” You say to the mother. She smiled doing just that. You were kind of afraid of getting stepped on.
June lifted you upwards in her hand, close to her daughter's face.
“So a witch shrunk you. Why didn’t she just eat you!” Arlette said.
“Uh... guess I was lucky. Or unlucky?” You say as you look up to June.
“Arlette’s got a dark sense of humor. Plus she loves Horror Movies, even at this age.” You would question that parenting of allowing her kid, but you had more pressing issues.
“It would be so scary for you. I mean, you could be stepped on, eaten, sat on, or maybe if someone falls and you are under the-”
“I-I get it.” You say to the kid.
“Sweetie, why don’t you run ahead to the next house while I talk to him,” June said and thankfully she did. Going to the next house as the mother walked down the street with you, still looking at her dinner.
“H-Halloween with your daughter. That’s the sign of a good mother.” She laughed in return.
“Trying to sucker me to ask for something. I wasn’t expecting this, but don’t worry. I’m not just going to put you down and ignore you. You can come Trick or Treating with us.”
“O-Oh.” You say as she noted the disappointment. “Sorry, just thought maybe you two would cut it short for me?”
“Sorry, but this is my daughter's favorite holiday, and I just love doing it with her.” Well, you can understand that.
“A-As long as I have the attention of a giantess, I’m fine.” She smiled as she watched her daughter walk around.
“Don’t worry, I won’t put you in her candy bag~” June teased as you can just imagine that. A grabby hand came for you as you were getting grabbed and felt. That was not something you were excited about.
“Now, I’m gonna go Trick or Treating, you can stay up here.” She then moved her hand as you were placed onto the top of her witch’s hat. You were able to see a lot of the world from up there. It wasn’t that big, but to you it was huge.
“T-Thank you!” You say down to her. She couldn’t even see you thanks to the hat.
“I don’t have any pockets with this outfit. I know it’s not amazing, but I just wanted to be matching with Arlette, and witches was easy. Not to mention better than her other idea.”
“W-What was Arlette’s other idea?” You ask curiously.
“Slasher movies, and me as her victim.” She said as she caught up with her daughter. Arlette instantly asked about you, as you were filled with a bit of worry.
She is not the type of girl you want to be left alone with. Right now you were out of her reach, but that could quickly change throughout the night.