As Betty looked her way to the doll in the box, she was starting to get one of those thoughts. One of those thoughts that if said out loud, it would get looks her way.
However in her home, with nothing but inanimate dolls, she could think about it. She was starting to get more and more eager, as she thought about it.
Loving it as she was about to have some fun. It was the last thing that you were really expecting, as Betty brought her face closer.
You hold yourself, as she smiled. “You are about to become one of the lucky dolls.”
Lucky? Oh when she says that, it does not feel you with confidence. You do your best to hold yourself as she moves with the box.
Betty moving with a happy step as she goes around. She goes around and up to her bedroom. She opened it up, as she dropped the box onto the bed.
“Let’s get you out.” She said to herself. Her bed was a single bed. Not much space in it, but only she has slept on it so she didn’t mind. There were a lot more dolls, lined up on shelves in her room.
It was just creepy, that was clear. You go ahead and wait as her hand opens the box and reaches for you.
“Good thing you are already naked, I don’t have to get you ready.” She chuckled and laughed at you. “Not to mention, you already got a package. Oh, this is kinda perfect.”
You were starting to get more and more worried at what she was saying. Suddenly she dropped you onto the bed.
“I need to go to the little girl’s room first.” And with that, she left you. When she left the room you instantly look around.
Why on her bed? You got some ideas but... she wouldn’t do that to you. Well as it turns out, yes! Yes in fact she would. Eyes wide as you look your way down to the ground.
Seeing a couple more dolls around.
Holy shit, the sight you were seeing was making you terrified.
Dolls, boys and girls, all that have been... used.
A Ken doll that had a condom wrapped around it. A barbie doll with a dildo strapped to her back like a rocket. Cum stains around all of them. Some were missing arms, some were missing legs. All of the dolls, being used for pleasure by Betty.
“S-Shit.” You say as you need to get away. You go down, running for the bed only to hear her stepping back. That was a quick one!
Acting quick, you dropped down. You have a feeling you should of kept running, but it was too late.
Maybe if you play dumb, you can get out of this stupid situation. You go ahead and wait for a while, seeing Betty come back.
“Wow, i’m so excited. I’m so excited!” Betty walked her way over to you. You got an awkward angle as she took off her clothes. You think she was trying a strip show, but it just looked more and more awkward as she was doing this.
You watch and see her get naked. She wasn’t bad... she didn’t really have any curve to her. She looked like she had a bit of her baby fat still.
Her skin was smoother than you expected, seeing her body it was like a doll funny enough.
You also got to see her glass hard nipples, which shocked you. As well as her pussy, a red, barely shaven bush. That was all you needed to know about her sex life.
And now thinking about it, you remember seeing a couple strands of what you now know is pubic hair. Which worried you.
“Let’s do this.” She swiped you up. She went ahead and grabbed you, happily and jumping her way onto her bed. Her bed shook around as she got comfy. Her legs spread open, but you being held against her cleavage.
“Now, what pose should you go in. Don’t worry, i’m nice so you aren’t going in the backside. Hehe, at least tonight.” She giggled.
You just kept a stoic pose in front of Betty. Just as she moved your hand around and forced you to hold it up. “You could go in like this, really give me a pounding. But I don’t wanna just use one of your hand, more like your entire body.” She moved her fingers around, forcing you to be straight as an arrow.
“There that’s perfect. You and your little package can go in my vagina.” Betty giggled touching your private.
And... it got a reaction. Something she noticed, and got Betty interested.
She lowered her finger and touched your section. Pressing into your penis and your balls as you squirm.
Even worst, it was getting more of a reaction. The more and more she fondled you down there, the less resistance you were giving.
Until finally, well you were erect.
“No way, I can’t believe you can interact with this!” She laughed. “Well, obviously you were a different shipment. Makes sense now. That company also sells sex toys if I remember correctly.”
Great, she thinks you are a sex doll. You can’t really blame Betty. Your member was erect and for her to see.
And judging from the smile that she was giving you, it was pretty clear that she was loving it.
Finally, you were lowered down. Lowered all the way down as she split her legs open.
She brought you against her bush, pushing you against it as you felt it awkwardly on your body. She bit her lip and shuddered, feeling your small body on her privates.
She was no doubt loving it. Betty wasn’t the kind of girl to get plenty of action. That was something that you could easily see, and right now...
Well, she’s gonna have her first time, with a doll man that she doesn’t know is a doll.