Shego finally pulled her boot out of her foot. She raised it up, as you were thankful you got the chance to actually breath. When her foot stepped out, Shego leaned forward with a smile. Looking down in the boot, and seeing how flattened you were.
“Well you look like you have been a train wreck.” She mocked down to you with a smile. Ignoring her looks down at you, as you just wanted to get pulled out. “Now, are you actually gonna tell me what brought you here? Be careful, you might be spending more time in my boot haha!”
You ignore her mocking, as you just swallow the bullet and lie up to the giantess. “i’m a... spy.”
“Yes, I totally knew it hahaha! Now we are getting somewhere!” Shego reached into the boot, as you were at least glad you were going to get grabbed. The giantess held you in her fingers as she raised you up.
Bringing you up to her smirk, as she was squeezing you on her grip.
“Spy huh? So spill, who sent you? You already told me what you are, so no need to hide.”
“Y-Yeah...” Lets hope that this turns out better for you. “Well I uh... was sent by Kim Possible.”
An entire lie, but she perked up when she actually heard this. “So Kimmy sent ya?” Her squeeze got tighter on you as wiggle around in pain. “Probably to spy on me and Dr. D. Have you said anything to her yet, hey Kim. I’m in Shego’s boot, I’ll tell you what her foot feels like haha!”
She was mocking and laughing down to you, as you wiggle around.
“Foot was soft, but the stench was bad.” She chuckled at the little joke. “N-No communication, and I don’t really have a way to. Was just going to uh... talk to her later about it.”
“Really?” She raised her eyebrow.
“D-Do you not believe me on that either?”
“Well... I’m still gonna pull off your clothes, to make sure.”
“What!” Once again you had fight but, she really stopped that as she conjured her green flames in her hand.
“Don’t make me do it forcefully!” Shego shouted and... that got you in line really quick. Putting out the flame she chuckled. “Good boy.”
She reached her finger in as she happily started to strip you. You were stuck in her fingers as she pulled you off leaving you naked. How can you not feel more and more awkward about the position you were in.
Shego pulled back, throwing your clothes away. You were officially naked.
“Okay little spy, so Kimmy sent you here, and you got no means of communicating with her, so... what’s stopping me from doing whatever I want with you!”
“Uh... nothing I guess.” You admit up to her as the green-skinned former hero laughed. “Are you gonna put me back in your boot.”
“A-Are you gonna kill me?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, I think I’ll use you as bait, to get Kimmy.” Oh, that was going to be awkward when the two of you got to it. “For now, I’m gonna have some fun.”
“Y-Yay.” You try to sound enthusiastic, but what the hell has Shego got planned! The two of you were in her room, a large room with a bed, tv, tiny kitchen. She was Dr Drakken’s number two after all.
She dropped you down onto the couch of the room, and walked ahead. Her spandex ass hovering over you as Shego laughed.
“You gonna take it, or run hahaha!” The villain dropped down on top of you. The giantess lowering her ass down on top of you as all you could do was scream!
You scream up to the giantess, knowing what you were going to get. Her ass dropping down, as you were trying to get ready for it. The last second her ass would of collided with you, you jump away. Leaping away from the large giantess, and arriving right between her legs. You were in front of her crotch, and you manage to avoid.
“Kind of wanted you under there,” Shego said as she then pushed her finger on your naked body. Pinning you down between her legs. “I’m going to have so much fun toying with you~ So much fun~”
Her finger grinded down on top of you, not relenting for a single second. You shuffle around under her finger, before you had to say something up to her.
And, she actually did lift her finger off of you. “Yeah? What you got to say shrimp?”
Shego actually gave you a chance to talk, wasn’t going that far. “I uh... don’t want to get tortured by you, but I can tell that is how it’s going to go. What can I do to uh... not get dominated by you?”
“Domination isn’t negotiable. Although, if you just do what I say, I won’t have to hurt you.”
She was a super villain after all, so you guess this was going to be the best deal you were going to get. You give a nod up to the giantess, showing you were on board.
Shego didn’t expect this twist, but she was oh so excited. She can’t wait to get Kimmy with you, but for now she was going to have her fun. Shego raised herself off the cushion. Only slightly so her ass was over the couch. “Go ahead, slip under and crawl under my butt. You are gonna make a great cushion.”
“G-Great cushion well... I’m going to try.” You get down onto your hands and knees, before you do what she wants. You slowly start to crawl under her ass.
Truly slow, given your size compared to the giantess. You were worried, as the giant latex ass was over you. Sometimes you brushed up against it though of course.
“U-Under!” And then Shego sat down onto you, laughing the whole time!