Shego dropped you onto the floor, "Ow." was all you had time to say after landing, then her ass lowered itself onto you, putting enormous amounts of pressure onto your body. Of course, this was very painful, so you uncontrollable writhed in agony and screamed. Since her suit wasn't as thick as the sole of her boot, she had an easier time feeling you squirm, "Good, you're not dead yet!" she said, "I still need answers." she added, confirming that she probably didn't actually care about your well-being, only that you gave an explanation that, unknown to her, you couldn't really give.
At least ten minutes had passed by now, and you were starting to make a new observation about her clothing. It wasn't exactly waterproof, or in this case, sweatproof. Ass sweat was seeping through her suit, and surrounding you, the scent was incredibly potent, probably because of the difference between your sizes, and hopefully not as warning sign of what could happen if you fucked something up again. Every five or so minutes, she'd make some adjustments, like how hard she was pushing down on you, or which part of her ass you'd be centered in on. "Ready to talk yet?" she asked, only to be met with your incomprehensible groans.
Now, Shego was sliding her cheeks back and forth across the floor, as if trying to grind you between them and the hard surface bellow. "Please! Stop it!" you try to demand, but your words seem to be either ignored or unheard, as the green giantess continues to torture you with her booty. You keep begging, unsure what you'll actually tell her if she does stop to listen, the truth or something else. But so far she was enjoying herself way too much to take a break right now.
And as it turns out...