It was a good day for Sunset Shimmer. In fact, these days have been very good for her. She helped her friends defeat enemies like the Dazzlings and Gaia Everfree, learn them about friendship like Twilight does in Equestria and she was able to redeem herself for all of the bullying and harm she had caused at CHS. All was right in the world. Now, during nighttime, Sunset was writing to Twilight about friendship and what she has accomplished so far. She really wished she was here so that she can talk to her more often. But, she seems to be fine by herself right now.
“Well, another lesson learned for today. Now, time to get some shuteye.” Sunset said before heading to sleep.
Unaware to her, a small ball of magic came from out of nowhere and it was floating towards Sunset before going straight into her body.
The next morning, Sunset wakes up and prepared herself for school today. As she was walking, she was starting to feel a little woozy and can barely stand up.
“Man. I guess that I didn’t get good enough sleep last night. I guess I’ll just....” That was the last thing she said before passing out.
On another part of town, their were Sunset’s friends, Twilight (Sci-Twi), Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, walking to school together while having friendly chats with each other.
“I’m so going to pass Ms. Cheerlie’s test today.” Rainbow Dash said with confidence as usual.
“That’s what you said the last couple of times, Rainbow Dash, and look what that got you.” Applejack said.
“This time, it’s different. You’ll see.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Hard to believe, Darling.” Rarity said.
“Regardless, I know that we all are going to do our best today.” Twilight said with a smile.
“I agree.” Fluttershy said.
“And if we all pass, then we should have a test passing party!” Pinkie said with her usual excitement before she hits herself in the face on a wall. “OW!!” Pinkie yelped in pain.
“Pinkie! Are you okay?!” Fluttershy asked checking on her friend.
“Yeah. Though, who put a fleshy wall over here?” Pinkie wondered.
“Possibly, the not-so brightest of people.” Applejack said.
“Tell me about it.” Rarity said.
“Wait a second, girls. Walls can’t be fleshy. It’s kinda weird and gross.” Twilight said.
“Then where in the world did this thing come from?” Rainbow Dash wondered.
“Uh, girls? You might want to come and see this.” Fluttershy said feeling afraid of what she sees.
When the other girls came to see what got Fluttershy so worried. When they saw what it is, it made them gasped in shock.
They see that it’s their friend, Sunset, lying unconscious. However, they see that she’s now a giant. Possibly, about 50 ft tall. She’s huge from head to toe and it was lucky that her clothes grew with her.
“What in tarnation?! Sunset?!” Applejack gasped.
“My goodness! She’s a giant!” Rarity gasped too.
“How on Earth did this happened?!” Rainbow Dash wondered.
“I don’t know. I’m just as shocked as you are!” Twilight said.
“I bet she’s like 50 ft tall or higher!” Pinkie suggested.
“She could be!” Fluttershy said hiding behind Rarity.
“Still, we need to get her out of here before other people sees her and panic.” Twilight suggested.
“What?! Are you out of your mind, Twilight?! How can we possibly move a human being that size?!” Rarity asked.
“Hello! We have like magical powers now! So, with my speed and Applejack’s strength, we’ll have her out of here faster than a speeding bus.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Even if we could do that, how are we going to hide her?” Applejack wondered.
“Leave that to me.” Twilight said before