Marissa moved away from the tickle plant and yelled to me, "Emily, get over here, help me get these other girls out of the hedge!"
I hesitated, still glancing at Victoria, but I eventually followed to where her voice was. We got two of the girls free from the hedge, but as we were helping the last girl, a rumbling occured in the ground. We all knew what that meant and tried to move faster. The vines on this girl, whose name is Cassie, seemed to be reinforcing themselves on her, despite our best attempts to pull them loose. Becky, who also tried to help, got caught on one of the vines, and began struggling to free herself. I turned around just in time for the ground to stop rumbling as we all heard a very familiar roar. Another three tickle plants had risen from the ground and were making their way towards us. I scrambled to free the girls of their predicaments in the vines, but after a second or two, I was caught up in the one of tickle plant's grasp. Becky was next to be grasped, followed quickly by Cassie.
The tickles were bad, all three of us were giggling and wriggling like little schoolgirls, unable to control our laughter. As if the plants were communicating with each other, the three that had us in the air spread their tentacles underneath our shirts and ripped them all off. Our pants were next to come off, tickling all the way down while still grasping and tickling our entire bodies. Our socks also came off, followed shortly by our panties and our bras. There we were, completely naked and helpless, being mercilessly tickled by three other tickle plants as their tentacles wrapped all around us and all the buds hummed and hissed, circling our delicate skin. It was a lot to handle being tickled everywhere at once. My armpits, ribs, neck, breasts, thighs, knees and feet were all ravaged by these tentacles and their buds in such a ticklish way... it was almost kind of fun for me. Being unable to do anything but laugh... being unable to move anything except my neck, allowing my flowing brown hair to sway from left to right in conjunction with my head.
I couldn't let this plant have us. I had to fight for the sake of the girls. But how would I get free? Freedom was the only thing that my concern focused on, freedom for myself at least. I didn't entirely care for Becky, Cassie or Victoria, but I still thought about them. They were also being mercilessly ravaged by these tickle plants, with tentacles and buds gyrating all over their ticklish spots. I could tell the Mistress was smiling down on us from her perch hovering up in the sky.
Seconds turned to minutes and our torture still continued. Our laughter was the only thing that filled the air. I could not tell if any of the other girls even attempted to save us as we were all being tickled mercilessly by these tormenting plants. But, I have to admit, I enjoyed the feeling of my toes being played with... maybe it's because I've always had a little bit of a foot fetish? Just the way the buds gyrated and hissed within felt so good on my toes and arches. Despite all the other tickling I was receiving, I kept my toes spread and my feet pointed upwards as much as possible to give easier access for the tentacles and the buds.
I don't know if the Mistress noticed this or not, but I could hear her command the tickle plants to stop. "Cease, my little pets! Stop what you are doing!"
Everything stopped. Victoria, Becky, Cassie and I all plopped down to the ground. Victoria wasn't able to get up, let alone barely catch her breath. She was still panting and weaving, with the aftershocks of laughter still coursing through her.
"Now you see what happens when I wish to play a game," the Mistress stated. "Emily, you will come with me... as well as another lady. I will let you choose one. Any lady here except myself, of course."
"I will not choose, you ca not have any of us!" I declared as I started to stand up.
"Oh ho ho, defiance. Very well, you're treatment will be extra special. But if you will not choose, then perhaps I should just take all of you. I certainly have enough plants to spare."
"Wait, wait a minute!" I protested. I didn't know if she was bluffing about the plants, but I could tell from the horrific look on all the girls faces that they didn't want me to take that chance... their lives... their ticklish skins were in my hands.
"Since you leave me no choice but to choose someone else, I choose..."