"I don't suppose your'e embarrassed about getting acquainted with your new owner." Ms. Anderson said as she unzipped her jeans with the other hand, before pulling back the waistband of her bright green panties, lowering you in while doing so. She giggled as you were dropped to the cushion of the green fabric. The air was immediately much muskier, giving off a distinct smell of fish as you looked up at the titanic vagina which pulsed in front of you.
For many shrinks, this was the experience of a lifetime, pushed against the pussy of a mammoth beauty, but for you this was nothing short of a nightmare. Aside from the wrenching smell, juices leaked from the stimulation that your teacher gained from your struggles. You felt what must have been a finger push in from the outside, forcing you forward towards the throbbing genitals, until you were pinned next to the warm, fleshy cocoon which soaked your clothing. The finger persisted, until you were forced to climb inside the body part, warmed by the pleasure the woman took from your scenario.
The rest of the day went basically the same, drifting in and out of sleep as the giant woman went about her day, occasionally sitting down a little hard, waking you back up. There was however a strange comfort to the environment, after all the warmth was certainly welcome compared to the cold exterior of the outside world. The smell gradually grew inviting, sort of loving as you felt your penis start to spring up from excitement.
This was all stopped whenever the day ended, sounded by a familiar audio sensor with the bell, still audible from the vagina prison where you were staying. A sigh from your teacher lead you to believe she was standing up, a suspicion confirmed by her next movement, and soon you felt the most semblance of walking since your initial capture. This went on for a moment, before she presumably reached her car, and pulled you out of the makeshift jail cell.
The light was blinding, as the solace which you had been enclosed in soon became foreign as she raised you to her face. "A little bit more wet than when I last saw you." She giggled as she set you down on the windshield of her car and started to take off, towards the freeway. She listened to light pop music on the radio as she cruised down the road at a casual pace for about twenty minutes in the opposite direction of your home, removing any feasible escape opportunity from your head.
She left the highway in favor of the feeder road, taking a right to the large apartment complex off the side of the road. She picked you up and walked into the building, waving to the lobby assistant before making her way to the elevator. She punched the key to the eighth floor before waiting for the elevator, getting out and walking down the hall to her room. The apartments were upscale, better than what you had expected from a teacher's salary, but you remembered the money on the side which came from the sale of tinies accessible in a position such as a teacher. That made your heart drop.
She opened the door to her place, setting her purse down on a kitchen counter before doing the same for you right next to it. She looked down with a grin before getting out