Akira decided to go with Futaba. She was very close by, and after Takemi's implied threat of eating him, Akira wanted out of her office sooner rather than later. He gave the giant doctor his friend's number, and she gave her a call.
"Hello, Futaba-chan? This is Doctor Takemi. I need you to come escort your friend Akira-kun home. No, no, he's perfectly fine, just... not able to return home on his own right now. You'll understand when you get here. Alright, we'll see you in a few minutes." She hung up and turned to Akira. "I'll go to the lobby and wait for her. I'm sure this goes without saying, but please don't leave the exam room."
As Takemi left, Akira wondered idly if he could leap from the examination table to the floor without breaking most of the bones in his body. Dismissing it as a lost cause, he waited for Takemi to return with Futaba.
A few minutes later, Takemi let Futaba into the room. "Hey, Akira, what's up? You go blind? Have that weird status effect where you grow a mushroom out of your head and your controls are reversed? Turn into... a... mouse... again..." Futaba trailed off, seeing her shrunken friend on the exam table. "Huh... Mini. That's kind of old school."
She leaned in close to get a better look at Akira.
"Hey, Futaba," Akira greeted casually, trying to undersell this whole situation.
"Wow... you're really tiny. This is so weird!" Futaba laughed softly. She breathed in, taking in some of Akira's scent. "It's kind of... cute, actually."
"Yeah, it's a weird situation, but we should just try to make the most of wait, what?" Akira asked, his brain catching up to the last thing Futaba said. He looked up at his enormous friend. She had a strange, goofy smile on her face and she was starting to blush.
"Um... Futaba?"
Futaba said nothing, and rested her chin on the exam table to better look at the tiny Akira, smile still on her face and eyes transfixed on him.
"Futaba? Earth to Futaba?"
Futaba breathed in his scent again, but otherwise did not react.
"Are you okay?"
"Giggling isn't an answer, Futaba."
Meanwhile, up above, Takemi was passively observing and taking notes. "Subject F has expected initial reaction to pheromones released from Subject A. Will interview both subjects after the three day testing period for full results. Alright, Futaba-chan, you can take him home whenever you're ready."
"Oh... right! Okay..." Futaba stammered, blush still on her face as she quickly stood and picked up Akira, keeping him cupped in her hand. "Um... bye!" She left the office at a brisk, awkward walk- not breaking into a run only because of the tiny cargo she was carrying.
In her hands, Akira pinched the bridge of his nose. "What the hell did I just get myself into?" Akira now had a very strong suspicion of what this pheromone Takemi told him about was doing. Apparently, whatever chemicals were coming out of him had altered Futaba's brain to the point that she had fallen for him. Hard.
And with how much bigger she was than him right now, she was very much in control of what happened next...