So here are the next batch of male squashees. But this time, they get to fattened up the kids rapidly, before getting squashed as a result.
Principal Morgan: 48 years old, 5’10, 195lbs, black hair, hazel eyes. He’s seen so many misbehaved kids at school, and it seems like telling them off wasn’t enough to make it stop. So Principal Morgan had to take matters to his own hands, and creates an item to fatten up whoever’s the latest kid to be sent to his own office.
Damien: 13 years old, 5’3, 127lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. This kid is disciple and a bully! He always loved making fun of and beating up smaller kids, just as if he’s older and bigger than him, he’ll always get in his way. But that would change when an old woman, who is an actual witch, makes a spell to the Damien’s victim and grows so much fatter, so that this bully should be getting a receiving end.
Dr Smith: 37 years old, 5’9, 194lbs, brown hair, blue eyes. He’s a good inventor, creating these machines and device that make impossible things into reality. One of which is the ray gun, which can increases the person’s weight rapidly up to some number of tons for that matter. He was a bit struggling to find a volunteer to try it out, but thankfully, the school invited him to take part for assembly. That way, he can use the ray gun to one kid, and see if his stuff really works.
Josef: 11 years old, 5’4, 130lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. He’s the youngest of the family. So much so that he would constantly being bossed around by his 13 year old brother, Tobias. The youngster wanted to make revenge by using an item to fatten up his older brother. But it would come as a biggest mistake Josef has ever made, and there’s no turning back from here.