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Rated: GC · Interactive · Other · #2103431
Tickling everyone you could possibly think of!!!
This choice: Sakura  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6

Sakura's chunin training

    by: Flash
"So what is it we're doing?" A now 16 year old Sakura Haruno asked her old friend and love rival Ino Yamanaka. "Basically Lady Tsunade asked me to test your endurance." Ino said. Sakura had a sweatdrop. "But why...tickling of all things?" Sakura asked weirded out that lady tsunade of all people ordered. "I don't know but I wasn't about to question it. I already went through it so know it's your turn." Ino said. Sakura sighed in acceptance and raised her arms. Ino made a hand sign and ropes suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, bounding her arms up toward the ceiling.

"So how long am I taking this?" Sakura asked slightly nervous. As much as she liked being tickled, this was for a test so her usual excitement was replaced by nervousness. "As long as the others. Me and tenten lasted about 20 minutes. Surprisingly, Hinata lasted nearly 40. Never knew she could laugh that loudly." Ino said, briefly flashing back to a hysterically laughing hinata. She then snapped out of her thoughts and started a timer.

She then got to work on sakura ribs and belly. "Snrrk hehehehehehe hahahahahahahahahaha snrrk hahahahahahahahahahaha" As much as sakura tried, she couldn't surpress her laughter for more then a second. "You're allowed to laugh, you just have to keep going for as long as possible." Ino said. Once those words were out, sakura stopped holding back and laughed openly. As ino upped the torture, her laughter only grew. Ino knew her weak spots so she easily kept her laughing as she attacked her armpits and squeezed her hips. Sakura squirmed in her bonds, laughing herself to tears. "HAHAHAHA NOHOHOT YM ARMPIHIHIHITS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA INHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Sakura's mind was melting under her friend's assault"s

Eventually after 25 minutes, sakura finally begged for mercy. "25 minutes, nice work." Ino said, undoing sakura's bonds. Sakura rubbed herself, trying to erase the tingling sensations. She was glad the test was over though. Ino soon left, allowing sakura to lie on her bed, trying to catch her breath.

Only one thing passed through her mind as she lied there panting: Of all things to test us, SHE THINKS OF THIS!!!!???!??!?!?!?!


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