“Alright, Detective Ruby and her trusty partner Weiss have begun their mission!” Ruby announced enthusiastically. “What is their mission? Solve the case of the missing students at Beacon Academy! Go team!”
“Ruby, please...” Weiss sighed, rolling her eyes. “Try to take this at least a little bit seriously.”
“I know, Weiss, but it’s just so exciting! This is a special mission! We’ve been on missions before, but nothing as cool as this!”
“Well, I will admit, it is quite refreshing to have an interesting mission for once.”
As much as she hated to admit it, Weiss was pretty excited too, though she still acted professional and mature.
The two entered the school and Ruby told Weiss her plan.
“Okay Weiss, you go talk to the principal and I’ll start investigating. We’ll meet back here in about ten minutes.”
“Sounds good.” Weiss replies as she began walking towards the building.
“Alright, investigating the missing students. Mission: Start!” Ruby whispered.
As Ruby investigated, she didn’t find much of interest. She found a penny in the ground and nearly tripped over a tree root, but other than that, it was pretty uneventful.
However, just as she was getting bored of how dull the investigation was so far, she found something of interest. A shed that wasn’t on the map she had with her. She walked over to it and grabbed the handle of the door, turning it. However, as she walked in, she was blinded by a sudden flash of light. There was a loud ringing in her ears before she passed out.
Later, she woke up on the ground outside. Her vision was blurry and her ears were still slightly ringing. As she stood up, the ringing slowly stopped and her vision returned to normal... and what she saw shocked her.
The world around her was much, much larger than it should’ve been, or at least, that’s what it looked like to her. In reality, she had shrunk. How much? To the size of a bug. At her current size, even the blades of grass were larger than her!
Her tiny stature became even more terrifying when she heard and felt what seemed like an earthquake, but as it grew closer, she realised it wasn’t an earthquake. It was giant footsteps.
She turned around and looked up, seeing a giant girl approaching her.