(Part done by Janefrank)
The next day arrived and the suns shining rays illuminated the room that Georgia and Lily were sleeping in. As the sun rose further into the sky Georgia could see more and more of the temple revealed, the Burmese landscape lit up with dusty grays and browns and oranges with trees and foliage livening up the countryside as far as the eye could see. Georgia was staring out of the window and had been for some time, up and dressed waiting for Lily and the rest of the group to be up and ready. A few hours later at 8:00AM the whole group was outside the accommodation ready and rearing to go, the group consisted of Georgia, Lily, their tutor Sally, two other tutors and a handful of 8 students, mostly girls. Georgia and Lily stood around with the tutors and planned out a route towards the temple. After deciding the best route they all set off for the temple.
10:27AM and the group had made it to the base of the temple, it looked more like what the western world would call a cathedral but nonetheless they had made it. Looking up at the large archway entrance it looked as if it was a house made for giants. The group sat down outside the temple, the trees and brush had them and the temple hidden away well, dull greens and browns littered their view for miles around, the top of the temple being the only thing visible from afar or above. Georgia took it upon herself to scout up ahead leaving the group to finish eating and drinking. She peered round the smaller human sized door that was carved in the huge archway to see nothing but an endless expanse of black inside, she shone her torch inside to illuminate the huge open chamber, cocking her head back she called for Lily, "Psst, Lily! Over here.." She whispered, catching Lily's attention and bringing her over, before she came over, Georgia peered her head in again and shone her torch over to the right, seeing a glint from a mysterious object. "What is it Georgia, I wasn't eating or anything" She said before being hushed by Georgia, "There's something not too far in there, we should go check it out" Georgia said, before Lily could even fathom a reply she had disappeared through the door, panicking she went in after her, leaving the group outside.
The darkness began to envelop the two as they slowly walked further and further into the chamber, the ceiling looked to be 100ft high if Georgia could guess, the two continued their slow advance through the ominous temple, slowly but surely making their way to the shining object Georgia had spotted at the entrance and after a good few extra minutes of treading carefully they came to the object, looking around both Lily and Georgia saw the objects in question, two odd bracelets and an amulet, the bracelets were rather wide and were embedded with gems the likes of which neither of the two had ever seen and the amulet had a huge green emerald embedded smack bang in the middle of it, the amulet itself was quite large and the gem looked as if it was worth millions. Georgia ran up to the stand the artifacts were on and stared at them with wide eyes, Lily coming up behind her gorping at them too. Georgia leaned in to touch them before her hand was pulled away by Lily, "What the hell are you doing? What if you trigger something?" Lily asked with concern, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained Lily, think of the money girl, come on!" Georgia said, picking up the bracelets and the amulet, standing around in suspense the two waited in fear, until nothing. "See what I told you, its fine, now lets go" Georgia said, throwing a bracelet to Lily to hold. Looking down at her own and putting the amulet in her bra.