You move behind her and put the pendulum in erza’s face, erza can’t do anything but stare confused at the pendulum, quickly you start your induction “calm down erza and just look at the shinning pendulum, look how it swings back and forth, from one side to another, making you feel calm and at peace” you say, erza confused begins to fight, she don’t understands what’s going on but she started to feel dizzy so she know she don’t have much time. She started to fight heavily but she was tired for her training so instead of fight the idea of surrender felt more reasonable to her but she was more focused on fight, but no matter how harder she tríes, her thoughts are begining to slow down and a strange feeling of drowsiness is feeling her “Let it happen sweetie, let the slumber raise and surrender to it, feel how your body beg you to let that little Feeling of drowsiness grow more and more, how ur body wants to let all go and just fall deeper and deeper in this hypnotic sleep” you said while a sleepy erza keeps trying her best to get out of the trance, erza keeps trying to resist but the more she resist the more sleepy and exhausted she feels. “Oh don’t you notice? This trance works better in resistant subjects like you, cause the more you fight the stronger it becomes, don’t make this more hard for yourself erza, you know after a long training your body needs the best rest and here’s the oportunity” she hates to admit it, but you are right, her effords it’s only making the trance harder to resist, erza didn’t notice but she started to lose strange and her conscious was slipping away, “well erza, i Guess the fight is gonna end soon but you did it well, unfortunately hypnosis is way more powerful, at the count of 3 you are going to fall in the deepest sleep of your Life.
3. your mind is melting and your toughts slip away
*erza feels incredible weak and her mind becomes blank
2. Letting the slumber win the fight ”
*at this point erza is almost unconscious*
1. deep sleeping form me now *snap*”
In just seconds after you said that erza eyes rolled back while a soft moan escaped from her mouth before slipping to the deepest sleep she ever had, you carry her before someone can see you and you take him to your home, erza drools in your chest showing how under in her sleep is. Now at home u put her on the bed “you are Such a drooling mess aren’t you sweetie?” You said looking erza’s chin covered of drool, “lets try something” you said in a playful way. Erza when i snap my fingers you are going to snore heavily Understood? “Y-Yess…” said a weak erza,
Snore heavily for me now *snap* then erza starts to snore heavily and you can’t contain ur giggle for that, how could a powerful warrior like her be so easy to manipulate? With this some ideas came to your mind of what could you do while She’s asleep
You have now the oportunity to play with her but, what are you gonna choose?