Welp, apparently Mark here doesn't really know the different buttons. As he confidently pressed a button on the side, the portal device just up and disappeared. Left astounded, he curses his luck.
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Hestia, a reserved, recently turned adult, is chilling on her bed in her mothers house. She is just scrolling through her phone when she notices a light swirling behind her phone. Shifting positions, she comes face to face with a swirling portal of teals and pinks. Now that the portal has her undivided attention, it spits out some kind of object directly onto her face. After a few seconds of pain and even more seconds of confusion, the portal closes and now you have to deal with this... gun? The "gun's" barrel is akin to a ray gun from those old sci-fi shows. Where the hammer is usually, a touch screen rests that says "Touch to start." Hesitantly, Hestia prods the screen with her finger, and the text fades, and now shows a scroll menu with some buttons. The one that stands out to you is the info button. At the press of a button, a wall of text blacks out the screen.
This is going to take a long while.
[Several Hours Later...]
Okay, the wall of text has been demolished, and Hestia got the gist of what the object is. It is some kind of portal device, but there is more behind the scenes. This device can access the internet to allow the user to portal in. It can even visit alternate universe, games, and other media, but the text said that it was experimental. The portals allow shrinking and growth, but it was less clear on that part. Opening two portals reveal that you can see your exit. After testing the portal functions by tossing a white queen chess piece, she finds that the size changing is functional. An accidental button press opens a portal like the one Hestia saw when the portal device dropped on her noggin. Pressing the same button closes the portal. Plugging the portal into your computer allows you to portal into shows, but she can't be sure if she should do it. She really wants to do something with it, but as soon as she looked outside, the sky has turned into brilliant shades of oranges, reds, purples, and pinks.
She burned the day away figuring out the portal device, she hides it in her desk and sleeps.
[The Next Day]
She forgot about the Portal Device...
[A Week Later]
Oh yeah, the portal device! How could she forget something so outstanding! Hestia runs up to her room and grabs her portal device. And now to test it. She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she has a fetish. But you surely know all about it, I mean, you are reading this which means that you clicked this. Everyone who will read this has that fetish.
Anyway, what should Hestia test it on?