Well, beggars can't be choosers! Texas needed all the help she could get, and it was honestly flattering that some citizens still appreciated Texas enough to want to help her out with such a dangerous mission. She held a hand out for Clementine and gave her a big, warm smile,
"Alright! Consider yourself officially, temporarily deputized."
Clementine's face lit up and she let out a triumphant, clucking cheer. She clapped her wings and stomped her feet, with her massive girth shaking the entire sheriff's office.
"Oh boy! Oh boy!" She said, "Wait until paw hears that I'm a big time hero!"
"Now hold on," Texas took Clementine's hands and held her steady, "Take it easy, you're not a hero just yet. First we gotta save my partner. Now grab yer stuff, we're gonna ride out."
Clementine nodded, and the two readied themselves. Texas snatched up as much of her weaponry as she could: A pair of six-shooters, a rifle, ammunition for the both, a few of her sticks of flash-powder and a shot of whiskey for luck. Clementine didn't need nearly as much, just a bag of seed and as much shotgun ammo she could stuff into her purse. The two saddled up (Clementine borrowing a spare mule which struggled with her weight) and rode out for what they hoped would be where Jacks would be holed up.
Black Gut Gorge was a favorite spot of Jacks', given that it was both easily defensible and terribly intimidating. The duo reached the gorge right at sunset, but even that late the guards wandering around were impossible to miss. It looked like Texas had found exactly where they were holding April, otherwise it'd make no sense to have this much muscle staked out. Texas and Clem hid their horses behind a ridge and snuck up to the gorge, keeping well out of the patrols sight.
"Y'think this is where theys at, Sheriff?" Clem asked.
"I think so," Texas said, "And I think I know how we're gonna handle this."
"Oh! Oh! Sheriff! I got a plan! I got a plan!"
"Clem!" Texas put a finger up to Clem's mouth, "Y'need to be quiet. 'sides, I'm the sheriff around here, y'need to listen to me."
"B-but, my plan's a real good 'un..."
"But yer bein loud! Now listen here..."
The two kept squabbling until...