Pearl Fey stepped out the front of her door, carrying her backpack with her. It was the weekend, so she didn't have to go to school, but she was leaving early anyway to catch the train into the city. She was planning to visit her friends over at the Wright Anything Agency. Mystic Maya was unfortunately unable to come today, but she had a letter from her in her backpack to give to Mr. Nick.
Before she could leave, though, she noticed there was a package on her doorstep addressed to her. Curious as she was about it, and wondering who might have sent it, Pearl knew she didn't have time to check it out. She was running a little late as it was, and she didn't want to miss the train. So instead, she grabbed the package and put it in her backpack, before running down to the train station.
Once she was safely on the train and on her way to the city, making it on just before it left, Pearl pulled the package out of her backpack and started to open it up. Inside was some sort of remote that Pearl was unable to recognise. She was much more familiar with modern technology now than she had been when she was a kid, but she still didn't know what this was. The closest thing she could think of was a TV remote or something, but this one only had two buttons, one labeled "aware" and the other labeled "unaware". There was also some kind of instruction manual in the box, so Pearl decided to read through it and try to figure out what it was.
Even after reading it, though, Pearl still found it a little hard to believe. The remote could apparently swap two people's bodies. It seemed almost like spirit channeling, except instead of channeling the spirit of a dead person, it swapped the spirits of two alive people, and instead of relying on a spirit medium, it used this little remote thing. Could a machine really do something like that? Pearl really wanted to try it out, but it seemed kind of irresponsible to go testing it out on random people. She thought about where the best place to use it would be. Ideally, she would have liked to show Mystic Maya, but she was already on the train heading away from Kurain Village, and Maya was busy today anyway. Perhaps Mr. Nick and her friends at the Wright Anything Agency would be interested in trying out. She was planning on visiting them today anyway, and she still had to deliver Mystic Maya's letter. Then again, they were usually busy with all their legal work, and Pearl didn't really want to interrupt with something like this. But where else could she go? It took her a while to think of it, but eventually she thought about visiting Shipshape Aquarium. She had been there on a school field trip before and made some friends after accidentally getting lost and helping with Mr. Nick's investigation for a case. However, she may have found her way behind the scenes of the aquarium before, but with them open for business, she might not be able to do so again and see the employees she'd made friends with.
As the train pulled up at the station, Pearl got off, putting the remote and manual in her backpack, and the box it came in in the trash can, and headed off towards...