The gigantic penguin waved an enormous, blubbery arm at the DJ booth, which was seemingly vacant for now. Most everything in the resort was reserved for residents of colossal sizes, and the booth was no exception. It was a monolithic plinth, decorated sparsely thanks to the ice, and fitted with equipment most radio DJs could only dream of at the least, the most sophisticated and state-of-the-art decks and mixers, and some not even on the shelves yet. Easily fifteen feet high by twenty or thirty so feet wide, and easily expandable thanks to the way the ice was molded against its framing, it was a monstrous obelisk of monumental decadence and achievement that befit the massive resort. I looked at it quizzically; certainly, I was a man of many talents so far as the resort industry went, but I wasn't particularly adept at mixing music and creating playlists for an entire clientele...
"The sound booth? But, Mavis, you know I'm not-"
She waved her arm again, chuckling this time and causing her bulging mass to quake. "No no no no! You've got it all wrong. I'll need your help elsewhere tonight, but right now, I could use your expertise and advice getting the new girl to fit in. It took a lot of finagling to get another human in here, and especially one that's pretty well known for being good at her job. Running the sound booth at the Aurora Nightclub is a specialized job which can usually just be filled by current staff but...I managed to convince Miss Holmes to get a much better person for the gig who can also help you out if need be."
I blinked. Another human? Seeing humans in this place was rare enough, at 500$ a pop for a VIP pass! Having another one hired was even more ludicrously rare, and you were more likely to find diamonds in a pig trough than to actually see one! Coughing slightly as I tried to get my wits about me, wondering if Mavis was pulling my leg this time, I motioned for her to lead the way and show me this brand-new addition to the resort staff. The massively fat fowl beamed at me before waddling towards the booth, footsteps shaking the ground ever so slightly as I followed after her. Her bloated rolls squished and rolled together across her leviathanic frame, a curtain of obesity that was known as the highlight of the Gaia 2.0 resort experience. I was curious, actually, to see the new 'girl' and see what kind of human they managed to hire to work down here in the Aurora...
Mavis stopped slightly short of the podium, placing her huge hands on her even larger hips. I could hear something from the inside, rummaging around in the equipment, and the sight of a utility ladder caught my eye. That was one of the tools I used if I ever needed to clean much, since here, everything else was up-scaled for the colossal residents and staff. It couldn't be... "Kalinka! Come on out and greet your coworker! I told you there was another human working here!"
"Miss Mavis! Wha-MPH! Buh...chyort.." A soft voice called, a definite accent present from the eastern bloc of Europe, and I could almost feel my eyebrows sliding into my hair as I witnessed the newest addition. The girl crawled out, right around my age, but it wasn't the fact that she was small or that she was human that really caught my attention. It was her clothing.
Stepping out from the chasm of the sound booth was a girl wrapped up in all colors of the rainbow, meshed together with a classical, almost 1920s-ish ensemble that reminded me distinctly of jazz and the Great Gatsby. Sunburst-colored hair, natural or not, flowed from underneath the flamboyant fedora, tied up with a mass of ribbons on the braided side, and wound through on the bobcut side, the fringe of her bangs shadowing two strangely-colored eyes, with rings of purple and yellow that filled the iris. They had to be contacts. To complete this absurd, punkish and clashing look were the bar tattoos, three of them, going across the bridge of her nose and the two tiny lip rings at the corner of her mouth. I was used to gargantuan furries parading around the establishment. This was the strangest thing I had ever encountered in my human existence yet. Staring in utter shock, I hardly noticed as she took stock of me, her slightly unsettling eyes widening before she clapped her hands happily, grinning. "Oh! So this is Mister Gregory you were referring to! Da! Sehr gut, sehr gut! So good to make your acquaintance! You have no idea how well-known you are, da, being the first human here and the longest-serving! I didn't believe Miss Mavis when she told me, but I'm so glad to meet you in person!"
"Er..pleased myself, Miss" I stuttered, stunned at her appearance. Mavis chortled, a deep belly laugh that sent her mass quaking again. Looking back from her to the new girl in front of me, I sighed a little, gulping. " What exactly do you want me to do?"
The penguin nodded, her many chins wobbling before she stroked them with thick fingers, looking down at her two coworkers. "For starters, she doesn't mind the cold as much so you don't have to offer her a jacket. She needs a bit of help rigging some stuff up so she can reach all of the interfaces up there...a lot of them are holographic, but at the same time the controls are made for fat hands. She'll probably rattle off a lot of questions to you as well; that's pretty much normal. Er...I'm not so sure how the food really will affect her so...give her a couple warnings. Sure, she'll end up bigger eventually, but being a human, I really don't wanna know how badly it'll go if she lets too loose. She'll be doing the show tonight during hours, so keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't vanish among the sea of flesh you know tends to come around!"
I nodded, still a little unsure about this. She was bubbly, eager to work of course, and was running a stream of jumbled sentences in several different European languages. How she could keep track of all the dialects and particulars she was going through, I had no idea. Still, I coughed a little to get her attention, those eyes locking onto me. "Alright, Kalinka! Let's get started..."