As the day goes on, you learn a bit about Sarah's life. Her parents' fighting had turned her quite shy early on when she stumbled upon them, running into her room in tears shortly after. Several years later when she was 7, her dad left after a huge argument, leaving her and her mother Jasmine devastated and causing her to become further withdrawn in her fear that it was her fault her father left. Bullies were merciless at this time, but a 17 year old boy named Sean scared away a group of them that were harassing her one day. The two became best friends while he babysat her for a day while her mother had an important business meeting.
Over a year since he left, her father Garth returned to his girls, explaining his greatest mistake was leaving them to begin with, and recently finally resolved to try to return if they would have him back. Considering he's here today, it's pretty safe to conclude they happily accepted him back into their lives.
Unfortunately, Sean's family decided to move. Neither he nor Sarah were at all happy about it, but he also had college to consider. "He keeps in touch and visits sometimes, but it's been much less often these days since he got a job. The hours are shit and he hates it, but he needs the money to pay the bills and the experience to get anything better..." Sarah explains, "His family actually lived in the same house yours is in now."
As for the bullies, they bothered her a bit less as puberty set in for all of them, but it wasn't until high school that Sarah finally snapped. The guy currently teasing her was surprised to find her actually standing up to him and told him off. She had found her voice, and she wasn't going to put up with being picked on any longer. And of course some of her former bullies futilely attempted to woo her as her body developed into something attractive. "Seeing as how they just moved on to other targets, if they had no interest in changing their ways I had no interest in going out with them."
"Makes sense." you nod.
Hours later, Sarah finally allows you to go home. Your parents naturally question where you've been, and you answer them truthfully after apologizing. Once satisfied, they let you go to your room with your new comics, but not before informing you of when dinner will be ready.
The next day, you finish breakfast when there's a knock on the door. Your dad gets up to see who it is as you put your bowl and spoon in the dishwasher to avoid getting yelled at for it. "Yes, how can I help you? Oh? Well I don't see why not... Come on in." you hear your dad say and watch him step aside to allow Sarah to come in.
"Hey, Marcus! I hope this isn't a bad time to have come over... I just wanted to show you something." Sarah says sweetly, though you notice that her posture is slightly weird. Before you can dwell on it, she asks, "Mind if we go into your room?"
"Um... s-sure. Right this way..." you reply, face beet red as you lead her out of the kitchen.
"Don't forget to wear protection, you two!" your mom yells after you, achieving the previously thought impossible feat of making you blush even harder.
As it turns out, Sarah almost immediately guesses the location of your room... and once she closes the door behind you... "Don't worry, you can keep it in your pants. I assure you, my mom can be just as embarrassing even if I wouldn't trade her for the world. I swear, can't a boy and a girl go into one or the others' bedroom for privacy without their parents thinking it's for sex?" she informs you.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you ask, "So what was it you wanted to show me?"
"A couple things, actually, but I don't want to show your parents just yet. The first is," Sarah explains, and then you discover why her posture was a bit scrunched as she straightens up. She's noticeably a few inches taller, her clothes not quite fitting right and exposing a little more of her midriff and ankles than they're supposed to. You also notice she's considerably bustier than yesterday, though her ass doesn't seem to have benefited quite as much. "I'm starting to grow now! Uh, my chest hasn't developed quite as much as it looks... my bra's playing a not unwelcome trick, but GOD was it a pain in the ass to get it to clasp closed this morning."
"W-wait, starting to? You mean you expect to grow more?" you exclaim, "I mean, yeah your parents are tall, and your mom's busty and all, but..."
"This is something I've been... dreaming of for over a decade. Ever since the night before Sean was to babysit me, I've had a dream where I grew... really, really big. Like dwarfing buildings big. I also gradually became able to achieve amazing things, like being able to safely sit on top of this building like a chair.
"Last night, I was visited in my dream by... well... by myself. This other me scared me for a moment, but she just smiled and asked me if I wanted what the dreams have entailed. I said yes, we embraced, and... I woke up having grown this big."
You're not quite sure if you believe Sarah. "The same dream everyday for 10 years straight?" you ask incredulously.
"Not everyday, but far more than what can be coincidental. And not exactly the same one either, there's one where I got in a panicky fit and got yelled down for it, and another where I wound up close to a mile tall and trying to spur my growth further..." Sarah answers sheepishly, "Anyway, Sean told me before he left that he hid something in this room. I'd like to find it and see what he left for me."
"And he couldn't just give it to you then... why? Did he even tell you where to find it?"
"I don't know why... And the only hint he gave was that when the time was right to find it, I would. I've bugged him about it whenever we chatted or he came over and he just said I wasn't ready to find it yet."
You went over this room with a fine-tooth comb before you moved your stuff into here, and never found anything. No loose floorboards, no false bottoms, no hidden panels in the closet, nothing. You suspect Sarah may have done the same before your family moved in, so you wonder if this Sean fellow really left something here for her. Still, you're not about to argue with Sarah, so you let her look.
"Wait... Did you ever change this bed? It looks just like Sean's old bed..." Sarah asks.
"Never got around to - what are you doing?!" you say as she pulls the top mattress off... revealing a small opening in the box spring!
Sarah carefully lifts out a small shoebox and opens it on your desk. "To my soon to be not-so-little goddess Sarah...
"I don't know when or even if you'll read this, but I hope we're still siblings in spirit. I wish I could offer you the world, or at least a place to stay with me when you're old enough to live out on your own, but I'll probably be paying off my tuition and bills with what little money I can make by then. Know that I'll always be in your corner rooting for you.
"Love, Sean"
Sarah's jade eyes fill with tears as she finishes reading, holding the letter to her chest. "So sweet of him..." she remarks joyfully before helping you restore your bed.