Before Marc could make any sort of decision, he felt it. Before coming to the ASL, he'd have never noticed this particular sign, but his time spent in this hostile environment had all but required the honing of his senses for better or worse. Now, it was all but second nature.
He could feel the vibration of the ground underfoot and by the sheer level of it, Marc could tell that one thing: whomever it was, was absolutely huge.
Marc felt his heart rate pick up as he desperately sought somewhere he could hide or run. The problem was there really wasn't anything he could duck in or behind, the hallway was bare. As for running he just didn't know where he could go. The hallway only had two directions, right or left and both rounded a corner, making it so he couldn't tell from where the nearing danger was coming from. Usually, he was good enough in detecting such things as to figure out what direction one of the huge fighters was coming from. Yet, the approaching behemoth was so large that their bulk made vibrations so intense that they seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.
Marc cursed himself for his indecision. He cursed even more when he saw a figure round the corner to his left and felt his jaw drop as he finally saw what had been approaching him. She, because it was most definitely a she, was the single largest figure Marc had ever seen since his entrapment at the ASL. The first thing that Marc took note of, once he'd gotten over the sheer difference of height, was the fact that the person was wearing a neat black suit, perfectly tailored for the veritable mountain that was her body. While that might have seen such a strange thing to take notice of, such clothing was uncommon at the ASL. Many of the fighters didn't bother with normal clothes, if they bothered with clothes at all. Marc had gotten used to seeing various anthros in bikinis or ill fitting shirts-turned-bras and shorts. Instead, this one wore a rather nice looking black suit jacket and matching pants. She sported no shirt though, Marc saw, giving him a perfect view of the red skin her cleavage.
Marc was taken aback as he took in the female in front of him. This was no anthro! She had no fur or scales. Instead, her skin was a bright red, unblemished and unmarred. Furthermore, her face...was human. Or, at least, practically human. A noble, beautiful face framed and contrasting against flaxen hair with a single black streak trailed its way through her locks. Black horns jutted from her forehead. A tail of red and tipped with a spade-like growth trailed behind her while she walked, her bare, smooth hooves clacking off the ground.
This female was the perfect example of a demon from the various depictions that Marc had seen throughout his life and she was looking right at him with an expression of...