Well, Michelle is right. Plus what is the harm in opening up a bit to Michelle about some office gossip? She'll find out anyway, right?
"Yeah, you're right", you admit. "She's been into me for years, to be honest. I have turned her down so many times, it is hard to say no gently anymore."
"What, are you too good for her or something?" Michelle says rudely.
"Excuse me?" You reply, a bit taken aback by her question. "No, I am just not into her. She isn't my type. Her personality is too full on, and I don't really find her all that attractive, if I am going to be honest", you continue, without giving much thought to how nasty your answer might seem to Michelle.
"Wow, that is so rude. I feel bad for her" Michelle says, turning against you. "I wonder if she would still be into you if she knew you liked feet?"
Your world freezes for a moment. Did she just say that? Did those words actually come out of her mouth? You need to reply, but you are literally speechless. Michelle smirks condescendingly at you.
"Oh yes, I know James. And your silence just confirms I am right. I knew the moment I walked in here. You thought you could sneak frequent glances at my feet without me noticing?" Michelle says definitively.
You are caught like a deer in headlights. Any chance you had to deny what Michelle is saying has vanished with your dumbfounded expression and catatonic response. You need to react!
"I... I don't know what... What you mean" you stutter stupidly. "I think you're mistaken. I... I look at the floor a lot when I am in deep thought"
"Ha!" Michelle laughs. "Is that so? Do you always choose sections of floor to look at that have feet on them?"
"Look, you're wrong. It is a misunderstanding if you think I was looking at your... Your feet", you say, trying to sound confident and convincing... But failing miserably.
"Okay then", Michelle says, as an idea pops into her head. "Well, I am going to tell Jacinta."
"What? Why? I just told you it isn't true", you ask her.
"Well, two reasons." Michelle replies. "One, she deserves to know the guy she is obsessing over is a foot freak. That way, she can stop obsessing over you and move on."
Well, that doesn't sound too bad... But the thought of her telling everybody in the office horrifies you...
"And two", Michelle continues. "If she is still interested in you, I will be giving her the ultimate weapon to break you so she can make you her little bitch."
Her words hit you like a train.
"What the hell did you just say?" you reply angrily.
"Oh, you heard me James", Michelle replies. "I tell Jacinta that she can seduce you using your pathetic weakness for feet. Then Jacinta will use her feet to make you weak and submissive, so you'll finally give into her."
Once again, you're speechless. Michelle is loving this...
"I'd imagine after all these years of you rudely blowing her off, if she finally has you, she will want to make you pay for the heart break you've caused her. Once you're at her mercy, I think you'd be more than just a boyfriend to her... You'd be her prize. Her property."
The thought horrifies you. You need to de-escalate the situation, and fast. "Okay, Michelle, I am sorry if I have offended you or there has been some kind of misunderstanding here. You don't need to do any of that, okay?" You ask desperately.
Michelle smirks at you...