Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2020270-Shrunk-into-his-hands/cid/2237663-Brothers-Stick-Together
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by Smafas Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR · Interactive · Comedy · #2020270
Shrunk with a case of amnesia at your best friends house
This choice: they will work together to find a way to return his size  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

Brothers Stick Together

    by: Unknown
Jake could ill afford being a mere three inches vertically speaking. He knew that he was immediately an open target, for the birds he had attacked with his BB gun years before now had seen him right where he stood in the driveway, only know, he was being actively considered being worthy of prey.

A hummingbird leaving the feeder his friend's mother had put out swooped first up....the down to his level, and hovered right in front of him, his emerald green feathers and dazzling "necklace of red" a thing of sheer beauty.

WHOA!, Jake yelled, thinking for sure that he was about to be attacked. But that wasn't what the hummingbird had in mind. Right next to Jake and the edge of the driveway there grew a small oak sapling, only a foot off the ground, sturdy enough to support such a small, beautiful bird as this.

Hello Jake! I couldn't help but SEE the GIANT change in you - oops! Sorry, I didn't mean to use that particular word - just know - something happened to you a little while ago, and I thought to zoom around and make myself available in case some blue jay or starling tries to commit bloody murder against you!

"What?! Are you actually speaking to me?! A HUMMINGBIRD!? I must have completely lost my mind!!"

Oh hey, Jake - I can't tell you why this happened, but chill out, dude. You got your bestie here with that pain in the neck lil brother along for the thrill! I can even see that ....that....whatchamacallit there - a "space ship", yes? It looks pretty plain and simple from the outside looking in, if I may say so.

Jake looked around as Max began to look at him quizzically, then peered around the bushes, the trees, along the entire length of the driveway itself. Max began thinking that Jake was beginning to lost it too!

"Say, 'HUMMER'! Is it okay if I call you that? Look...uhh....Hummer, I got a problem, as you already can tell. My bud Alex already has a plan with entering that spaceship over there - (Jake points to the plain silver/chrome finish of a saucer) - and he and Max now are taking me over to greet whomev- I mean WHATEVER this THANG is that changed me into the world's first Uber Midget!"

Thang?! What exactly is a THANG? And secondly, an Uber Midget? Gee whiz, you are using terms I've never heard from where I usually fly to and from during my entire day. But for now, let it suffice to say that I can be of use for you if you would like. Why don't I make like that drone you've got back home....yeahyeahyeah.....THAT handy item. Well...I can do som much MORE than your drone, even though I admit to some jealousy here! Hold tight, Jake - I'll be right back...

By now BOTH Alex and Max were openly wondering what the devil was Jake DOING, talking to himself? Both brothers searched high and low for the source of Jake's very apparent interest ... nothing doing.

"Jake. JAKE! Hey man!", said Max, completely now worried beyond words as to just did Jake go from making perfect sense to ...well....perfrect NON-sense, so to speak. How?!?

It was right about then that Max, Jake and Alex all managed to come to a collective realization that there was a presence near and above them....somehow....in some way.....

"Holy Schmidt!!"!, Alex yelled, "WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!"

Neither of the brothers had managed to cipher what their buddy was up to there for a little while moments ago, but it was just as quickly that a strange noise emerged from behind them....a noise that neither of them had ever really heard before, and along with it, was this steady breeze, almost as if you had turned on a fan near to where you stood. Only....there were NO FANS out here in the diriveway, that much tye could tell themselves! It was in that instant that all three stood shocked out of their minds, for it was HUMMER alright, HUMMER with the classic green emerald feathers and that strong bright red ruby necklace that filled out his neck...only now it shimmered in the light, and it each one of these guys it was like something that they could never had guessed as to what it was that suddenly came upon them all too quickly ! Oh my gawd said Max over and over, too scared to move..... it was too good to be true. In the split minute that Hummer had flown off to the spaceship to hover over and around it he had reutrned, now in a sense of the word HUGE....GIANT-SIZED ... was this bird who usually was no more than three or so inches in length and or width. AM I TOTALLY LOSING MY MIND, thought all three boys, sllently at the moment.

Then it hit them like a ton of proverbial bricks.

Whatever it was in that chrome-bright ship just off the driveway certainly could do whatever it pleased with any citizens of this earth it encountered.

And they made their point quite convincingly too. Just ask Jake, who once was almost six feet tall ... now shrunk to a "robust" 3 inches tall? And Hummer, himself one moment ago was just that - 3 inches all told - now back from the space ship - and without question, hovering just above the boy's line of sight and directly in the sunshine for all .... himself the world's first six foot high hummingbird?!?!"

Jake of course was not taking all of this in just at that moment. After all, the three of them had gone into the spaceship so very briefly... in fact....now that they had time to reflect on it, neither of them could exactly recall what they had seen that time they DID go inside of the ship itself....!!

It dawned on them that not only did a sudden kind of amnesia occur to them within the last five or so minutes, but furthermore, they had seen another miraculous development right before their eyes the exact moment they WERE discussing the visual banks of equipment onboard and such. The arrival of Hummer, who by now had scared away at least ten cats, two dogs, along with a huge flock of crows that let loose with a racket of cawing they usually reserve for when they've spotted a hawk or owl raiding one of their nests....

Each time a miracle happened within/around them, they would lose their memories of what they had seen, heard, smelled, touched and/or tasted within that ship. It was one solid fact that certainly held them to a very limited series of choices they faced whereby the boys truly wanted to get Jake back in the same shape he had left them previously. Good ol Jake....

"Perhaps you need to consider the fact that by changing me into a six foot hummingbird could very well mean that they are sending you a very clear message ... I mean... its practically in front of your very own eyes as we speak!", said Hummer, who now had mounted a low-level telephone wire that went directly into the garage of the house. It was clear that Hummer was going to need camouflaging too, if the world honestly needed to be kept away from THE MOST amazing discovery since Roswell, New Mexico in 1948.

Hearing the humming bird speak English send Max and Alex running as hard as they could for the front door, but Jake squeaked just loud enough for them to hear before pushing in the door - hard!

"Wait a moment guys!," Jake squeaked with all his might. "Hummer is right! We have to reflect on all that has happened. It will do us no good to up and run away from our problem as we speak!"

Slowly, Alex and Max walked back to where Jake had fixed himself a makeshift chair out of redwood chips and a green maple leaf.

As the boys got over the sincere fright that Hummer had provided them so precipitously, it was Hummer who suggested that if these aliens could shrink and/or enlarge any living thing....why, could them make three people into two?

Could they recombine two humans into one? Three into two?

The thought process started to truly make their heads spin, that is until they realized to their greater shock that two people were standing nearby, right around the corner within the garage.

Mary had overheard what she could not believe her ears had relayed to her: her two sons speaking of huge hummingbirds and space ships and such: Max of course was getting past the point whereby flying saucers were deemed way too insincere for a kid to believe in - not unlike Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or other creatures of this world. She had put her paper down and had cracked open the garage door, only this time to witness something she simply could not make hide nor hair over...

Her two sons speaking to a three inch tall human being of the exact likeness of their bestest friend - Jake!!!!

Running to get her husband, Philip, she arrived to see him standing by the window, staring mutely and utterly transfixed.

There on the telephone wire sat perched a six foot tall hummingbird, in all of its glorious emerald green and red-sashed necklace..

Philip's pipe had struck the floor, the contents of which were still lit, creating a small circular fire in Mary's extremely expensive persian rug. Mary immediately noticed, as she retrieved the pipe and stamped out the burning contents on the rug itself , that Philip never even acknowledged her the entire time.

Instead, mouth agape and finger pointing, she now approached him from the side. Immediately he drew her to his side, and she followed his unbending arm and pointed digit which clearly marked the most amazing bird ever to fly the skies of North America...

Nodding her head ever-so-slowly, she now crooked a finger at him silently, beckoning him to come and witness what it was she had seen and heard just outside the garage moments before.

Arriving moments later, they both peered out to see the figures of both boys disappearing into the woods, going exactly where no one could possibly say.

Neither parent knew it just yet, but it would be awhile before they'd see their sons again.

A long, long while....


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2020270-Shrunk-into-his-hands/cid/2237663-Brothers-Stick-Together