This choice: To the other super humans...(With some info) • Go Back...Chapter #4Kicking no ass and taking nicknames... by: lolman  You were walking for what seemed like minutes, continuously questioning where is she taking you in your head. You weren't questioning because your legs were getting tired, you were doing so for the safety of this Cecile girl. Looking at Lyra, you can see that she was getting impatient, to the point of polishing her fangs with her stubby arms.
You have to admit, Lyra is not the person to have a casual chat with. She's a very assertive girl, if she wants something she will get it no matter what. She also has anger issues, and is very quick to jump to things, so she has started fights more times than you can count. The worst part is that she can disappear on her own as well as appear out of thin air, so you were the one to take the blame for the fights, and you couldn't just say "My pet snake woman did it" without someone looking at you like a psycho. She has made it up though...through sexual you and Lyra are considered friend with benefits. It's complicated, and you know it!
"Hey, voman! Vhere are ve even going?" Lyra asked. Cecile just turned to you, obviously wanting a translation.
"She wants to know where are we going." You replied.
"I'm taking you and your friend to meet the other super humans. We need you to be comfortable with the others, as not to promote unwanted aggro." Cecile said.
To you, it makes sense. You didn't want to have others think you were some secret super villain and try to execute you in your sleep. You're not sure if that makes sense with Lyra, she seems to have a more aggressive look on her face as Cecile said that.
After some time has pass, you have entered some sort of food court, complete with tables accessorized with a large umbrella and at least four chairs. This makes you a bit uncomfortable, as it reminded you of the food court you go to. Knowing the fact that this is the new food court you may go to for lord know how long is what disturbed you the most. suppose you can adjust nicely after a few hours here, especially with the smell of greasy fast foods in the air. Lyra loves greasy foods, she likes the way it makes her fangs slippery, almost like she took a shower.
"*Hey! Vat in the hell is going on here!?*"
Oh look there's Lyra...inside your head. Yeah, even though she isn't present, she can still talk to you in your mind, so really there is no escape from her. You tried, but she is always there with you, mainly because she is soulfully tied with you.
"*Hey, Lyra, why are you in there? A little shy, are we?*" You joked in your head.
"*Oh hardy-har-har...if I vasn't sharing the same body vith you, I kick you right in the--*"
"Over here, Jake." You heard. Turning to the sound, you see that Cecile is signaling you to come closer to a table filled with males of all kind.
Oh my lord...this is it! This is your big chance to make an astonishing first impression...but how can you do that with Lyra around. Speaking of which, you can't really focus with Lyra jumping around in your brain...metaphorically, of course. It has caused you to say some inappropriate things in the past, most of which has caused you to look stupid.
"*Lyra, if you can keep quiet during my first meeting, I promise to give you a treat when it's over.*" You said in your head. You know she can't resist treats...mainly one's that can't be healthy for a regular human body. As a matter of fact, you've gotten a strong feeling that you're going to regret it.
"*Make it 6 cheeseburger, 5 cases of french fries, 3 large sodas...*"
What did you tell just yourself?
"Yo newbie! What are you staring at!?" One of the males said. You snapped out of your trance of excitement and quickly approached the table, which is just littered with fast foods of all kinds. Hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks, the simple works. You were about to dig in, but you didn't want to accidentally steal one of the guys french fries. Cecile, and one of the males, did a small giggle as your stomached rumbled, aching to have some food.
"Good ahead, sir. It's on the house."
You didn't even say thanks to him before you stole a seat and started munching on a cheeseburger. How rude!
"Jake, these are our male super humans, and Mr.Lionel." Cecile said. Mr. Lionel tipped off his policeman-like hat. He's the nice guy, you get that. You also notice that he was siting in the center.
"Men, the honors..." Cecile said, this time taking a seat next to you.
"The newbie can go suck it. How's that for honors?" The young males said. Some of the other males almost laughed out their munched up food in their mouths. You were used to stuff like that, since it is easier to pick on you.
"Shadow!" Cecile roared out, as she slammed one of her fists on the table. It was with enough force that caused the table to shake, which seemed to startle everyone. All the males, except Mr.Lionel, has lowered their food, and swallowed what was left.
"Fine..." Shadow sighed.
After a while, you managed to introduce yourself to the other guys, and they all introduced themselves, as well as describing their power for you, and giving their real names and nicknames. Lyra has not made a single peep ever since the meeting started, and you have been receiving little jokes and comments that were passive aggressive towards you. You can imagine how furious Lyra is, and how far she could attempt to throw all their skulls. Like you said...anger issues. You've also acquired a new nickname, which is 'newbie'. You don't know what a newbie is, but it does give you a sense that you are beginning to bond with your new buddies.
"So, what's your power, newbie?" Brad said. You got a little shiver down your spine, since you didn't know how to put it more complex than the situation is.
"Well, my power is that I have a secret weapon concealed in my brain...or body, or whatever. I can be able to summon her at will, but she can also come out on her own, if she wants to." You explained.
"And what is this, 'secret weapon'?" Lee asked. Again, a small shiver. You thought you were able to leave it at that, but you didn't want to leave a mysterious impression on yourself.
"'s a snake...a big one...with woman like features--" You stopped to notice that Brad, Garrett, and Roy just busted out laughing. You thought they would have gotten hard-on's due to their personality, but you guess you can't judge a book by its cover. Lee and Mr.Lionel seemed eager to hear more, but you had your attention on the other guys.
"If you guys think it's so funny, then why don't you guys show me your powers!" You yelled in anger.
"We can't," Roy said, trying to hold his laughs in."Mr. King-Of-The-Ring here has some sort of jamming device that stops all of our powers from working for about a 8 mile radius."
So that's why Lyra can't come out and attempt to crush and smother everyone with her ass and boobs, or possibly use her non-venomous fangs to puncture a vital organ.
"So, we're sitting ducks around this guy." Brad added.
"Or should we say...brain dead snakes?" Garrett added, causing another burst of laughter.
Darn've been marked as a clown...
After that one little lunch, Cecile has guided you to your apartment room. Strange, you always thought that super heroes get to have their own decked out lair. You know, jet cars, jet packs, jet boots, jet--...
Guess, you can't have it all. During the trip, you did have trouble carrying the promised treats for Lyra, so Cecile have you an average sized lime-green backpack to help you. Surprisingly enough, it was able to carry everything with ease. Also surprising, the whole day just turned into night just like in the real world, even though you know the lights are fluorescent and are being controlled by somebody. Cecile has explained that they use the outside world's weather patterns, day and night times, and even the summer and winter 1 hour time changes, to keep the super beings from getting tired of seeing the same old time everyday. Plus, it helps everyone fall asleep to their natural biological clocks.
Looking inside your apartment room, you can see that it has the basics, four grey walls, a bed on the left wall, with a small desk and lamp, and a TV on the right, with a large window on the wall opposite of the door. When your took your first step inside, you and Cecile were instantly shoved aside by Lyra, who quickly jumped onto the bed, ruining the perfectly good sheets. She nearly takes up the whole bed with her large body, and her tail, which was slightly curving into her butt.
"Is she alright?" Cecile whispered to you, possibly to not make her more upset.
"She'll be fine, I'll handle her." You assured.
"Good. You'll be meeting the girls tomorrow, and make sure she's happy. We don't want her going ballistic on the girls tomorrow."
"Mr. Lionel is the only one with a working jammer at the moment, and he has to go to quick meeting tomorrow."
Without another word, Cecile took her leave, which left you and and Lyra alone together.
She was laying down, facing you, with her head rested on the pillow. She didn't say anything, you didn't say anything, you simply tossed her your bag, and she started to cram some of the fast food into her mouth...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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