Once the party gathered some momentum and the faces melted together under the dance music, Allison's gaze cycled between her phone and the party. She made sure to invite the friends she gets drunk with, and they've never been ones to pass up a party, but they're also not the types to knowingly exclude a friend. The last contact they had was Allison asking if they made it, and she'd yet to get a text ba-
"Finally," she mumbled to her vibrating phone.
Where are you? You even here yet?
Allison rolled her eyes. This crowd was already wearing on her nerves. It's a shame too, there was so much potential. The partiers brought along cards, dice, loads of whiskey and brandy, some cheap wine, huge kegs, and...kegs!
Allison didn't even need to text back. There was a better way to get everyone's attention. She'd already begun berating herself for not realizing this sooner. Although, she was still a little hazy from the drinks before the party. Thankfully, she still had enough of her wits to know drinking protocols - if someone brought kegs, there had to be at least one hose attachment for the nozzles. Which there was, if only due to the presence of another friend.
The fluffy mochaccino crown atop pale flesh marked the group's youngest member, Phil. He was built like a greyhound, and probably weighed about as much, too. In spite of that, he could drink a sumo wrestler under the table, though not without repercussions. For all his ability, the stormy haze in his eyes still shot out bolts of youthfulness and inexperience. In particular, he may as well write "VIRGIN" on his forehead. His eyes were always roaming, and as a result he frequently found himself winking at his chin. Teasing him at a party into stuttering and sweating was Allison's favorite game. Plus, with all the enhanced chests in the world, it was nice to have someone appreciate her natural girls.
"Ally!" Phil said. "That you textin?"
She nodded. "Some of the others are here, too. Mind helpin me call em?"
Phil grinned as she pointed to the keg. "That tattoo was a great idea."
They dragged the keg across the floor until Allison had enough room behind it while Phil stood to the side. With a quick nod from the beanstalk, Allison was able to nimbly flip herself onto the keg. Just as swiftly, Phil slipped the hose into her mouth and cranked the nozzle before steadying one of her outstretched legs. As if their coordination was nothing, their ability to keg stand by themselves proved experience. Of course, Phil's frame helped. He was the only person capable of reaching all the way to a leggy woman's ankles during a keg stand while still working the nozzle. The drawback to his size was only for a woman in a skirt; the long arms meant he could stand tall enough to gawk at her panties. Even now, Allison could feel his electric eyes bolting along every inch of the lace. She was thankful it wasn't a thong, that would be too much skin, but even these bikini cuts could frame her sex, though the black material would ensure it was only an outline even as she soaked them. No matter. Each chug of the beer helped ease that concern. Plus, his eyes would shift once her shirt inched down enough to flash the matching bra.
Now that Allison's calves were looming over the room, the message was out for everyone. Most of those close by just some chick trying to be one of the boys and cheered her on, though not without the occasional wolf whistle. On the other hand, her friends would see Allison and her ink. Since they never arrived together (unless they were coming from another party) and occasionally didn't divulge whether or not they made it, the gang frequently had trouble finding each other in crowded locations. Each had come up with their own solution, but Allison's was working the best. Originally she thought her own legs were distinct enough, but only Phil concurred. As such, she made them more distinct by getting two scorpions posed like yin and yang on the back of her left leg - so chosen because a taijitu looked upright no matter which way she was turned. Now she just had to endure long enough to gather them.
"GO AL-LY!" she heard.
That tenor arrived none too soon. Allison's arms trembled beneath her, balancing without Phil became a challenge, and she was dying to cover her bra. She curled her legs and flipped towards her admiring fans with a whoop and double arm pump, each one with a newfound respect for lady drinkers and a gazed locked on the flesh between plunging bra cups. All but one of course, as she made her way to that one, the sepia colored man who had been the only text response of the night.
George was the whole reason Allison first approached this group, The strapping man was usually head and shoulders above the crowd, but once he found a song he liked a few inches came off to show the world what rhythm really meant. Every flex of his muscles during those dances provided more than enough eye candy for anyone considering dark meat. Stripping him to his birthday suit became one of Allison's pet projects, especially after she found out strip games and pranks were the only way she'd see the brawny man nude. That is, unless he became single again. And was suddenly attracted to women. Either way, they were on the "Kiss Hello with Hugging" phase, so Allison was happy. For now.
"HEY, GEOR-GEY!" Allison called as she fell into a warm embrace.
"Finally found ya!" he said.
"Now we just need..."
A firm smack against her behind erected Allison's spine. She turned to her pervert fists clenched, and relaxed as soon as she saw the earthy eyes of Isaac. Still a pervert, no question about that - and by extension did no favors to that stereotype of Asian men - but he was one of the more harmless types; though, that may only be due to Allison's ability to kick his ass. In addition, he was also a serious prankster, marking the only reason Allison didn't question why three men were employing the Naked Lap rule before she joined and contributed a woman. Add to it, he could match her punk band for punk band. Totally. Her. Type. That gave him the distinction of being the only member Allison saw during the day as she explored a possible bedmate, even though it hadn't gone that far. Yet.
Allison grimaced as she gave his ribs a lovetap. As much as she liked it when his hands roamed, she still had boundaries to defend.
"Gang's all here," she said.
"Not everyone," George said. "Emily made it, too."
Allison lightly groaned and rolled her eyes. It was an unnecessary camouflage, though. The whole group knew she and the new girl felt some sense of competition over status in the group. It was the most pointless squabble ever, but they weren't about to object. It never escalated to violence, and usually served as an excuse for all of them to get tanked and have a good time in the process. As long as they didn't get horny drunk, anyway.
"Anyone seen her?" Isaac asked.
Allison grinned. "Found her. In the pack dancing. I'll get her."
George rolled his eyes while Isaac and Phil locked their gazes on Allison's swaying hips as she drew them to the action. Due to all the laughter and teasing during the previous party, Allison was sure her mishap following a Naked Lap was Emily's doing. And in the event Emily wasn't the one who stole her clothes, well...she reveled in Allison's misfortune far too much! Either way, it was time to even the score.
Allison slid through the throng of dancers like a shark in the sea, her eyes never leaving her prey. Even with business at hand, she still licked her lips appreciatively at the show. It was the sort of dancing that attracted the worst type of guys, but it was still tantalizing to the senses. This was especially true for Emily, since these moves demonstrated she was not wearing a bra. Allison confirmed that when saw only toned flesh between the two ties of her halter top. Although, she reasoned, with how big Emily is, she could still be wearing one. Let's be sure.
With one swift tug and a sudden gasp, Emily's top slid off her chest and eradicated all contrivances. Cocoa caps graced the dance floor. Though Emily's hands quickly cupped them, it brought out the vulgarity lurking here. Wolf whistles drowned out the speakers. The few sentences formed weren't much better, commenting on the absence of any tan lines along the globes of olive skin. The sudden fervor of the crowd and the overpowering smell of alcohol convinced Allison that the skirt should stay on, even if Emily was wearing panties. Besides, she thought, the night is young.
"Gang's lookin for ya," Allison said grinning.
The pair crossed back to the keg, Emily's top now retied, and her eyes now shooting daggers at the beaming Allison. This definitely wasn't over.
"So now that you've all had your fun," George said, "how about we get a game goin?"
"Such as...?" Emily asked.
Allison shrugged. "I'm always itchin for Beer Pong."
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Save us the beer and just take your clothes off," George said.
"Hey, hey! I can score!"
"Yeah, now you get stripped by Death Rings," he continued.
"And Death Cups," Emily added.
"You wanna streak, go ahead," Isaac concluded. "But that's not a penalty for you anymore."
Their words flushed Allison deeper and deeper until even her neck was crimson. Once the blood flow cleared out her common sense, she spoke up. "If that's how you feel, then let's raise the penalty for a shutout!"
The only replies were Emily's grin and Phil's tightening pants.
Thinking quickly, Isaac said, "Or, we can have Death Rings with cards, instead."
"Here's a wild idea," George said. "Never Have I Ever. Let's talk for a change, get to know each other."
The group put it to a vote, and decided on...