After asking Andrea to come with her to the Administration office, Liz set about showing her the device and telling her all about what it could do. She even told her what she had done with her two dogs, Bailey and Sasha, back at her house. Needless to say, Andrea was gobsmacked. "So.. have you tried it on humans yet? I mean... on yourself?" she asked Liz, who quickly shook her head.
"No way! I wasn't brave enough for that. Besides, the thought of having a penis between my legs, even Eric's... creeps me out" Liz explained.
"Well, we won't know unless we try one will we?" Andrea laughed in a carefree attitude. Liz was surprised at her reaction, but then again Andrea was in her 50's and had seen more things than Liz had in her 32 years. Though nothing as extreme as a 'magic' genital swap. "I'd definitely give Tony's todger a try!" she giggled, referring to her husband.
"Okay then." Liz smiled, not quite believing what she was hearing.
"We can try it out here, I mean... if those swapped don't notice anything. That is how it works... am I right?" Andrea suggested.
"Here?? At work? And yeah... I think people will be unaware, if I flick this switch before I make the swap." Liz said, pointing to a little red switch on the side of the device. The 'reality altering' switch.
"Okay, then where's the harm? You can try having a penis for a while, if you don't like it, you can reverse it. No harm done" Andrea said, folding her arms as she leaned on the desk. "In fact I'd like to try one out too" she grinned.
"You?" Liz inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, I may have gone through menopause, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to have some fun" Andrea winked.
Liz sighed, then placed the device on the desk in front of them. "Okay then, but whose 'todger' do you want?" she asked, looking at Andrea as she started giving it some thought.
"Aaron's will probably be the biggest, but not by much, but hey, its not the size that counts, its how you use it. Us women know that more than men do" Andrea laughed out loud. "Come on luv, lets head down to the shop floor and we can make our decision down there" she said, grabbing the device and practically dragging Liz out of the door by the hand. Liz wasn't sure about the whole thing, but she went ahead with it anyway, not like she had a choice. Andrea now knew how the device worked, and it was in her hands. She was now the one calling the shots.