Louise lowers her hand to the table, allowing you to step off. Looking up at her grinning face, you speak loudly enough for her to hear, hoping no-one else in the restaurant eavesdrops.
"I came here to apologise for the way I treated you," you begin again. "I should not have ghosted you the way I did, and anything I can do to make this up to you, I will. I'm so sorry, Louise."
You clasp your hands together and look upwards, hoping for words of acceptance.
Louise's immense fist slams down right beside you, throwing you from your feet like a bomb-blast. "I told you to call me goddess, tiny one!" she rumbles.
Her other hand darts in, finger and thumb pinching gently about your left ankle before lifting you upwards, dangling before her face where she breathes gently on you, setting you swaying back and forth.
For her part, Tara gasps. "Relax," Louise says. "I'm not going to hurt him. Trust me, guys love imagining this shit. Some of the crazy stuff the pay-piggies want - wow. It'd blow your mind, girl."
"Richard didn't shrink himself for - for sexual reasons!" Tara says. "He did it for science! To explore the world and learn more about it through tiny survival!"
"That so?" Louise ponders, raising you to dangle directly before her eyes, the buffeting breeze now caused by the simple blinking of eyelids. "Well, you did ask to make things up to me, Dicky-boy, so how about you give me the chance to see how some of this macro-fetish stuff works in real life? Hell, you let me film me doing stuff to you, we can make some real bank!"
You can only look across to Tara, watching surprise and fear war on her immense face. Louise looks past you to your companion, and addresses her with her next words. "You're welcome to come with me, love. You're free to watch, get an idea of why some dudes dream of being shrunk this small. Hey - you could even join in, if you like..." At those words, Louise's eyes dart up and down Tara's amazonian form, clearly liking what they see.
You're fairly defenceless right now, and it's up to Tara what happens next.