Before you could finish scanning the sky for the missing BlackHawk you hear a voice call out, "yo up here" said a male voice followed by a gloved hand waving from what looked like an apartment balcony. You get up from your hiding spot and make your way toward the apartment building, suddenly the Black Hawk reappeared and opened fire again, bullets snapped and ricocheted all around you, but your only focus was on getting to the apartment building. You stop by a burned out car and emptied another mag at the helo, focusing your fire on the engine cowl and the cockpit, you reload and continue running.
After emptying two more magazines you finally make it to the apartment building where the male signaled you over, you locate a stairwell and look up, there were at least ten floors that you had to climb. You swear to yourself and start the long climb up the stairs, by the time you reach the floor where you saw the hand you are almost out of breath, you kick open the door that leads onto the catwalk-like balcony that connected the two buildings. Suddenly you are surrounded by another flurry of lead as the BlackHawk resumes shooting at you, you dive for the cover offered by the concrete wall/railing surrounding the catwalk/balcony, "fuckfuckFUCKfuckfuckFUCK!" you yell to yourself with your hands over your head as the walls around you explode into dust.
You look up and to your surprise there was one of those human-like fox creatures at first you thought he had killed the person that signaled you earlier, but then you realized the gloved hand you saw was his black furred hand. He, like you, was taking cover from the helo, he was looking at you and saying something, but the combination of the shooting and the BlackHaw's rotors made it impossible to hear what he was saying. You point to your ears and then shake your head, letting him know you couldn't hear him, he picks up a rock and makes a pulling motion near the tip and then points at you, you were really good at charades, but you couldn't figure out what he was trying to tell you.
Suddenly there was a lull in the shooting so the fox took advantage of that opportunity and shouted to you, "Grena-" but you only heard the beginning of the message as the BlackHawk started shooting again. "Grena-?, grenade!" you think to yourself, finally figuring out what the fox was asking for, you reach into your vest and pull out a grenade and show it to the fox, he nods his head, you rolling over to him, he grabs it and then points to you and makes a shooting gesture.
You nod and stick your rifle over the concrete railing and pop off a couple of shots to keep the BlackHawk focused on you while the fox readied the grenade. You duck back down to reload and are just in time to see the spoon fly off the grenade and then the fox lobbed it at the helo.......