Swishing behind her were at least seven tail, but they were moving too fast to keep track. Han and the fox talk to each other in Japanese while the only thing you could do was sit there and wait. Finally after what felt like and hour they stop talking, "what was that about?" you ask Han, "I told her the usual, 'we mean no harm or disrespect', 'we're lost', but I left out the part of how many of us there are, where we're from, etc etc" he says. The fox looked at you and asked you a question, "what'd she say?" you ask Han, "she asked if you were in charge?" you nod to the fox, she sheaths her sword and bows to you. You look at her a little confused, but decide it was best to bow as well as not to unintentionally upset her.
After bowing the fox starts to walk toward the village below and waves for you to follow, "inform the others to what's going on and to wait for my signal" you say to Han. You and Han follow the strange fox into the village, apparently word spread super fast because before you took four steps into the village every villager had stepped out of their homes and were walking toward you and Han. When they get about ten feet away they stop and stare at you, talking quietly amongst themselves, the fox walks over to a small group of males and females and they start to talk amongst themselves. "What's going on?" you whisper to Han, "I think they're discussing what to do with us" he says.
Suddenly you feel something touch the back of your neck, you spin around and see a bright white, female wolf standing there. She covered her muzzle with her paws and let out a small giggle, she lowers her paws and says something that sounded like a question. "Han what'd she say" you say over your shoulder without talking your eyes off the wolf. Han lets out a nervous laugh, "she um..wanted to know if she could touch you" he says, you think this over, normally you would have thought this an odd question and would have said no, but nothing today was anywhere near normal. You remove your helmet and nod to the wolf, she smiles and softly touches your face with one of her paws, it was a strange feeling having her soft, furry, paw run across your cheek, but it was a nice feeling. You remove one of your gloves and hold it up, the wolf saw what you were doing hand held her paw next to your hand to compare sizes.
Her paw was slightly bigger than your hand, but not by much, unbeknownst to you some of the other villagers started to walk forward and cautiously reach out. You feel an hand touch the top of your head, you look and see a male ocelot next to him was a female rabbit that was feeling you uniform. Before you knew it you had at least five different animal villagers examining you...