Hawkman noticed he was standing outside of a gay nightclub. He was staring at it, transfixed, unsure why. He hadn't been gay before, and yet somehow his mind was focusing more on bigger, chubbier men somehow. Before he realized it, he had already waddled in.
The club, simply called Manhole, was a hole in the wall. Bright lights and techno music blared from the street, somehow inviting him in. Before he knew it he was inside, men in fetish gear dancing around him, or more accurately trying to avoid him. They kept bumping into his big belly, making him pass gas each time to his embarrassment. "URRP! Sorry..." he quietly apologized, bouncing into another man by accident again.
"Heh, hey no problem. Nice costume by the way. Who you supposed to be?" The burly man said, looking at him. Carter could see his hairy pecs and abs, and couldn't stop staring at him. He was a big, furry leather bear, muscular and rugged. "I-I'm Chicken... I mean, Hawkman." He said, briefly catching himself. The other man chuckled, "Well 'Hawkman', I'm Rico. That's a nice costume of him, but you're way too big for it. Still, some guys might like that. Superchubs are pretty popular these days you know?." He said seductively, making Carter blush, before Rico suddenly put his finger in Hawkman's belly button, catching him off-guard, "H-Hey, what are you-URRRP-doing!" He said in surprise, moaning as Rico pushed it in and out, "Mm, nice and deep, you like that Tubby?"
Hawkman didn't want to admit it, but it actually did feel pretty good. Before he knew it, he could feel his dick, drastically shrunk by the sudden gain, growing in his flab. He moaned, as Rico stuck his finger in even further, making him suddenly fart, impulsively slapping his own ass and causing his cock to start leaking pre. "Hehe, nice trick." He grinned pushing it in further again, making Hawkman fart once more, making his face bright red, "P-Please st-OOORRRRPP!!" He belched as Rico fingered him once more, "Mmph, damn, you're gassy today, huh?" He laughed, to Hawkman's displeasure, but why was his cock dripping like a faucet?