"For pity sake Harry, don't you know how dangerous magical experiments can be?"
Hermione's tone was exasperated, and a little afraid.
"I won't pretend to understand what you were hoping to achieve." she continued.
"It was meant to be Cho Chang's hair... I just wanted to make a longer lasting polyjuice potion." she muttered, her voice barely audible as she sullenly informed Hermione of her goal.
"And if you'd succeeded, but you found your new form wasn't magical, you could be trapped as a muggle girl."
She stopped.
"You do still... You can still work magic, can't you Harry?" she asked a cold dread in her voice.
Harry picked up his wand, it was serving as a book mark at the moment.
"Wingardium Leviosa."
With a swish and a flick, the notebook, lifted off the floor.
Harry grimaced at the sound of her voice, it was upsetting inside her head it still sounded the same. But aloud was a different matter.
Hermione was relieved, and missed the look on Harry's face.
"Vestiti Studenti." Ron spoke the incantation clearly, and tapped himself in the chest with his own wand. Thankfully he too wasn't reduced to mugglehood.
She watched as Ron's shirt pulled itself back together, the buttons flying up to re-attach themselves, and the rips invisibly mending. As the magic progressed, his jumper started to weave itself back together. The wool knitting itself back into the familiar food-stained jumper that marked him as Ron Weasley. She loved his scruffy nature, it was something she just wasn't capable of. She was diligent and hyper-organised. She sometimes envied his more laid-back approach to life.
Satisfied that Ron was okay, she turned back towards Harry. She was as over-endowed as ever, and 'Mione just shook her head slowly in disappointment.
"There are other dangers too." she told them.
"Did you even see Ron drink any potion... It might have been the tiniest droplet, or she ... sorry ... he inhaled too strong a wisp of vapour. Heck, even now you might be extending the potion's effect just breathing in the air."
She stopped for a breath herself.
The boys, well, Ron and Harry looked at the little cauldron. It's contents -glooping- and -burbling- away like a colourful pool of heated mud. They looked a little worried as the mix gave a sound like a fart, and released a small pink cloud. The cloud rose a couple of feet and dissipated into nothing.
Ron edged back, just a little.
"That's just the dangers to yourself. Imagine if you'd spilled some into the water supply. We'd have a school full of Cho Changs, or ... or worse...."
Mutely she gestured to Harry's hyper inflated chest.
"You know that Beauxbatons wasn't always a female-only school."
Harry and Ron exchanged blank looks, before their minds drifted off towards their memories of the students and the Tri-wizard tournament, and those lovely girls.
"A-hem." she coughed, "You do know that was where Dumbledore met Nicholas Flamel."