If you were playing to win the hand, you'd try to draw the flush. But since you're objective is not to have the lowest hand, you keep the fives.
The next cards you draw are the Jack of Clubs, the Six of Spades and the Six of Diamonds. Two pairs, you can't complain about that.
As it happens, Tifa gets the highest hand with a full house. She shows it to Cassie and sticks out her tongue.
"See?" Tifa says. "Playing to win."
"Well, I wish you had been playing to lose," Nadine says, whose pair of deuces is the lowest hand. With a grin, she takes off her socks.
Your cards: A(S), Q(D), 7(D), 4(H), 4(D)
Clothing Count:
Player: Baseball cap, jacket, sneakers, socks, t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Tifa: Gloves, sleeves, suspenders, boots, shorts, top, panties
Cassie: Shoes, Socks, Top, Sports bra, Shorts, Panties
Chloe: Boots, Socks, T-shirt, Jeans, Bra, panties
Nadine: Boots, Socks, T-Shirt, Khakis, Bra, panties
You keep