As you're struggling to get free, Prussia hears you and looks down in surprise to see you between Maggie's enormous ass cheeks. You give a look of fear as the tiger giantess licks her lips and then plucks you out as Maggie jumps up and screams. "Well lookie what I've found," says Prussia as she stares at you with hungry eyes. "A snack." You let out a scream as Prussia opens her mouth and shows you her enormous fangs, ready to devour you.
But before Prussia can place you into her mouth, Maggie turns around and gasps. "Prussia!" she yells. "Put him down!" Prussia closes her mouth and lets out a sigh. "Fine," she says. "You can have a bite." "You don't understand, Prussia," says Maggie. "That's my husband!" Prussia drops her jaw in surprise before Maggie takes you from Prussia's hand and pushes you against her (face) cheek. "Not again, Neil," says Maggie. "How many times have you been plastered to my ass?" You shrug your shoulders. "I lost count." You then kiss Maggie as she purrs.
"Husband?!" yells Prussia. "You mean, you actually HAVE a husband?! And he's a human of all thing?!" Maggie nodded her head. "I'm sorry Prussia, but I'm not a lesbian. Besides, I don't see anything wrong with marrying a human." "Nothing wrong?" asks Prussia. "Humans are food, Maggie! Please tell me you're at least planning on eating him down the road." Maggie lets out a growl at Prussia. "Leave." She says.
Prussia growls back and stomps out of Maggie's office before Maggie looks down at you. "I better get you to work," she says as she pets you. "Before Prima and Atlanta have a conniption fit." You let out a laugh. "Thanks for saving me from Prussia." "You took the words out of my mouth," says Maggie. "That woman is a total creep."
However, what neither Maggie or you realized was that as Prussia was walking down the street, she was thinking about you and Maggie and mumbling to herself. "Unbelievable. All this time she was married to a human! Why didn't anyone tell me she was straight!? That means that Sapphire is... ugh. That's enough to kill a gal's appetite." Prussia stopped to scratch away at a fence as she pondered the situation. "She can't be serious. Doesn't she realize I could make her happier than that... that appetizer. After all, we're both cats. I'll bet I'd make a better parent for Sapphire than someone she could swallow whole by accident." As Prussia scratches a fence post into the likeness of Maggie, she hears an angry scream.
"HEY! You bloody tiger! What're you doing to my fence!?" That voice was none other than Cattleya, your mother-in-law. Cattleya outright despise you and the thought of a human son-in-law filled her with disgust. Prussia backed away as the splinter cat stepped back. "Oh," said Prussia. "Cattleya. Darn sorry about that?" Cattleya then looked at the carving and realized who it was a carving of. "You're twenty years too late, cowgirl. Some minuscule little parasite beat you to it. Of all the species, she HAD to fall in love with a bloody human." "Exactly," says Prussia. "It doesn't take a genius to know she'd be better off with another cat. Humans are only good for eating." Cattleya lets out a scoff. "If he weren't married to my youngest daughter, I would swallow that pest with some rum. Not only is he married to Maggie but my other daughter has been stalking him ever since that ratbag Fang walked out on her! The only decent thing about him is Sapphire!"
What both cats don't realize is that somebody overheard their conversation. That somebody was a certain voluptuous victorian banshee woman with green, pink and blue hair. Raven Dark. "Hey!" yelled Raven as she flew down. Her shrieking causing Cattleya and Prussia to plug their ears. "Don't you talk smack about Neil." Said Raven. "He's the cutest thing I've ever seen." Raven lets out a fangirl shriek and shakes her arms as Cattleya and Prussia continue to hold their ears. "Bloody banshee." Mutters Cattleya. Raven then let out a sigh. "Too bad by the time I found him, he had already settled down with an overfed alley cat." Then Raven grunted because Prussia grabbed her by the dress. "You take that back, you screaming cow! Maggie is perfection! It's a shame she's the one married to Neil."
While Raven and Prussia are arguing, Cattleya is thinking to herself and then the splinter cat comes up with an idea. "Quiet!" she shouts. Raven and Prussia stop and then turn to your mother in law. "What we have here is a conflict of interests." First she points to Prussia. "You want my daughter's hand." Then Cattleya points to Raven. "And you have the bad taste to want the man who already has it. I don't care as long as I don't have to put up with that parasite in law for a long time. Come in."
Soon the trio are in Cattleya's house. "It seems," says Cattleya. "We need to find a way to separate those two." Prussia let out a purr. "I see what y'all are sayin'. I get Maggie and the Mad Hatter's daughter over there gets Neil." Raven is about to shriek again but Prussia puts her hat over the banshee's mouth. "Well," says Cattleya. "We better think of something. I know I haven't had much luck on the matter after 20 long years." The banshee, splintercat and weretiger all sit at Cattleya's dining room table to think of a way to break you and Maggie up.
But who comes up with the first idea?