While sipping from the last drops of whiskey left in the bottle, you look at the night. The sky was clear, cloudless and lots of stars filled your view. One star seemed to be a lot brighter, shining more light than any other star in the sky. You just couldn't seem to look away as it became bigger and whiter. Trying to secure your eyes, you placed your hand over your eyes. This became too bright and eventually you had to look away. "Is the whiskey doing this to me?", you thought, just when a sound started to form from high above you. It sounded just like the wind, but different. It had a more humming sound to it, like an engine.
You suddenly felt a strong force pulling you upwards. First you thought it was just your instinct, which wanted to see what in the world was happening here. But your instinct also noticed something different. Where was the ground? You struggled and waved with your arms, but felt nothing that was solid. Opening your eyes was impossible, as it sure would have blinded you. Helplessly you gave up. You didn't care anymore what was happening and figured it could have been the alcohol doing nasty things with your mind and balance organ. It seemed the situation would not change either, so falling asleep was the only legit option you had in mind. And that was what you needed, rest.
"Ooehaa", you groan while stretching out, slowly waking up. You never knew the wood on your porch could have been this comfy. You playfully kicked your legs in the air to get your body ready to stand up. But in order to do that, you had to open your eyes. Weirdly enough, it didn't seem to make any difference if you had your eyes open or not. "Is it still night?", you wondered, but that would mean even the stars were gone. The smell was also not from anything you could recall smelling earlier in your life. You stretched your arm, and felt metal walls on the left and right sides to you. Panicked by this discovery, you got up, carefully placing your hands before you, so you'd not run into something. No second later your hands hit another wall, and after you turned around and after setting a few steps you felt another one! It meant that you were trapped in a room which was hardly 3 by 8 feet long, slightly bigger than your body. Alarmed you bonked your hands on the metal walls. "Hello! Somebody in here? Hey! Who did this to me? Why am I locked? What is this place! HELLO!!!" Rhythmically and fiercely you hit the metal, not caring that it hurt really bad. You gave up shortly after and laid down on the ground, which softer than you thought, almost like a bed.
Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, you heard faint voices from outside the box. You couldn't understand what exactly they were saying as it was too muffled to tell the words apart. Suddenly, you heard a squeak as a door were opened and soon later light erupted from above you. You looked up and saw to your surprise...