Stealing is wrong and shit. So youre technically not stealing. Youre only BORROWING what you believe may provide some adequate self defense or at least instill good chi to ward away evil chi. Yeah youre that kind of deep thinker! ...Ok, youre really not, but it was probably high time to START being!
"What I take here, I promise I will bring it back!" you shout out to virtually nobody just to be on the safe side, "you have my word!" Alrighty, that lifted the guilt off your shoulders! ...Ok it really didnt, but you would definitely do your best to at least try to make good on your word! You dont wanna get cursed or anything like that!
You glance around the place to find a good 'thing' to 'borrow'. Perhaps one of those endless amounts of spell books might come in handy. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them were written in completely foreign languages, some of which havent been spoken languages for AGES! And the few you could decipher.. well, most spells required certain ingredients to work and you had no time to go on a scavenger hunt for them. One book didnt require any ingredients at all... just a solemn vow to hand over your mortal soul!
"Ok, spell books are out," you capitulate and explore your other options. Bottles of questionable liquid? What do you do with them? Drink them? Pour them on something? Chuck them at someone? So many questions that you couldnt risk learning the answer to the hard way!
Mushrooms? Nope, they dont look safe to eat.
Plants? Nope, they reek. Some of them are still moving! MOVING!
Scrolls? See 'Spell books'.
Broomsticks? Useless in battle. Maybe you could ride one... but youre a little too scared of heights.
Looks like the only viable option would be one of the many odd amulets hung up on display. You took a bit of time glancing over them seeing one of them would be suitable for you. You know, feel the good compatible energy flowing from it! You had sort of a feng shui sense that could pick up good compatible energy.
...Ok you really didnt, but you read a book about it once during your first year of college, so that counts, right?
Anyways, out of all the nifty charms you examined, one caught your interest the most. It was the one by itself concealed in a glass case. A little octagon-shaped trinket with eight trigram markings surrounding a bright glowing yin-yang symbol in the center! Whatever it was, you were totally feeling loads of compatible chi coming from it! Actually, it more like a strong aura of amplified power, possibly desperate to be unleashed in some way shape of form. Whatever it was, it felt just your type!
"It's gotta be a magical weapon!" you tell yourself, "maybe it shoots lasers or something.... I gotta borrow this!" Brilliant thinking. "Hm... how do I get this case open?" You noticed a little lock and glanced around the place for the key.
...Ok, you really didnt. You actually just smashed the damn case with a hammer! You are batting a thousand today! But dont worry. You made a solemn vow to pay for the damaged case after you return the artifact.
...Ok, you really-EH FUCK IT!
ANYWAYS, you picked up the stop sign shaped artifact and held it in your hand, gazing down at it unblinkingly. You had no idea what it did, but the aura emitting from it surged strongly in your grip. Part of you knew you really REALLY shouldnt be holding it the way you were. It clearly didnt belong to you. Whatever power was stored in this thing, you werent meant to harness it.
But the other part of you couldnt wait to do so! You were a long way from home and you were being hunted! If those mafiosos dont get to you, whatever unknown dangers lurking in these forests sure would.
"Look uh..." you actually start talking to the artifact, "I dont know if you can here. I'm sorry I broke your case and I know you dont belong to me. But right now, I'm a little desperate. I've got really bad people after me and I dont know how long I have left to live at this point. Seriously, these guys on me... theyre bad news. Including the boss... he's a threat the likes of which you've probably never seen in all the... uh... centuries(?) you had in existing! So if you could lend me your power for just a little while, it'll be great for all of us! I promise I'll return you to your rightful owner once we're finally safe! So please, great ancient talisman of spiritual balance... lend me your strength!"
You'd feel silly later for talking to an inanimate object, but the aura intensified as if listening to your pleas.
And then after a short while...