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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974478-The-Transplant/cid/1911775-Shes-going-to-spend-it-with-her-new
by Wassel
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #1974478
Experimental brain transplant surgery saves either your life, or someone very close.
This choice: "She's going to spend it with her new "parents" instead."  •  Go Back...
Chapter #136

"She's going to spend it with her new...

    by: Wassel
"She's going to spend it with her new "parents" instead," she said. This not being the answer you were looking for.

"Her parents?" you responded. "But... but she hardly knows them!" It seeming insane that Randall would actually want to spend time with them over you.

"You'd be surprised. It seems this pregnancy has brought them a lot closer together. And from what she's told me, they seem like lovely people."

"They might be," you agreed. Randall having told you as much himself. "But we're family too! Wouldn't she much rather spend Christmas with us?"

"Tim, please. I know you're just being protective of her, but you've got to understand, Laura's moved on. She's got a new family now, and an even newer one on the way. It's only natural that she would want to spend time with them around the holidays. And it's down to us to respect that decision."

Respect? It wasn't about respect. It was about your best friend obviously feeling like he was a burden on you all. Telling your mom that he was going to stay with Miss. Card's folks to save face and not worry about her bugging him anymore. At least that was the only logical conclusion you could come up with.

"Anyway, in her condition it's probably for the best that she doesn't come along with us," your mother continued, "What with you, David, Tabitha and Daryl running around the place, she wouldn't get a moments peace!"

Yeah. There's probably that too. Being self conscious enough about his pregnancy as it was without being stuck with your extended family for nine whole days. Daryl alone being enough to put him off.

You weren't about to give up on him though. Certain that together you'd be able to have a good time regardless. Calling him up the following day and trying to convince him of this. Unfortunately receiving the exact same spiel from him that your mom had given you. Randall seemingly being dead set on spending time with Miss. Card's folks. Having already arranged it with them and everything.

"Are you sure, dude? I don't want you to think you have to go to theirs," you told him. Making one last ditch attempt "You're more than welcome at my Granddad's. You know that right?"

"I know. And I appreciate the offer, I really do. But honestly, it's all good." Randall sounding pretty sure. "I had a good time with Chuck and Mary the last time I visited, and from the sounds of it you're gonna have more than enough family to entertain as it is."

This was true certainly. It usually only being the five of you for Christmas. "It just sucks is all, you know? We've never got to spend the holidays together before. It would have been awesome." Resigning yourself now to the fact that he wasn't going to change his mind.

Randall wasn't so sure. "Maybe. If it was actually "me" you were getting to spend it with. With all your family around, I'd be stuck pretending to be Laura the whole time. At least with her parents I get to be myself. I can relax."

You admittedly hadn't really given much thought to this, but he was right. Miss. Card's parent's knew the truth. He wouldn't have to be "on" all the time at theirs.

"I guess that must be pretty nice."

"It is. Especially after the last two weeks. It's been non stop. I've hardly had a moment to myself."

"Well," you sighed. Giving up at last. "Just be sure to send us a Christmas card then I guess."

"Heh. You too," he laughed. Changing the subject then. Wanting to know all about you and Gretchen. "You haven't even told me about your date last night. Are you guys like going out now or what?"

Filling him in as best you could, on what all had happened and how Gretchen had pretty much taken the lead, you once again awaited some sort of snide remark or response. None came however. Randall sounding like he was genuinely happy for you. Telling you that it was a long time coming, and that you deserved to find a "nice girl" after what had happened with Allison. He was right about that, though you couldn't help but feel slightly weird talking about all this. Wanting to ask about you and him. The sex you'd had. The fact that for a brief moment, you'd actually faced the prospect of being the father of his child. Feeling as if there was more there between you that could still be explored. For as awesome as Gretchen was, she was no Randall...

It didn't seem like the time nor the place though to be honest (if there ever was a right time or a place), and you had to remind yourself that the two of you were just friends and nothing else. The conversation moving on then to where you were next gonna see Gretchen. As it happened, it was first thing Monday morning when you saw her again. Or rather she saw you. Sneaking up behind you with a hug, before giving you a kiss. Very much spelling out to you that the two of you were now definitely an item. It actually feeling really good to have a girlfriend again. Being pretty much inseparable for the remainder of the week (at least while you were in school). Walking down the corridor hand in hand. Eating lunch together. As well as taking another trip to the cinema on the Wednesday night.

Your interactions with Randall meanwhile, continued to fall by the wayside. Again, only really seeing him during class and a brief visit on the Thursday. Feeling guilty again that you were having such a good time with Gretchen and he was stuck at home with the "baby brigade" (his new nickname for your mom).

"Don't worry about it. Seriously," he told you, after you expressed to him these feelings. "I'm used to it now. Besides, it's nowhere near as bad now as it was two weeks ago, when everyone was coming round like every two seconds. That really was a nightmare."

"I'm just amazed you're so cool with it all." If it was you, you'd be freaking the hell out (and had been when you thought you were the father).

"Well, I've got to be I guess. No point freaking out when there's nothing I can do about it, right?"

"I suppose not."

Though you were tempted to ask then if he'd had anymore thoughts on what he was gonna do with it when it arrived, you held your tongue. Figuring that he'd tell you when he knew himself. Not wanting to push it.

"One more day until Christmas vacation though," you said instead. Changing tact. "That's got to be a relief." It certainly being so for you.

"Christ, yeah," he smiled. "I know I'm just back from a month off, but these last three weeks... with everyone knowing I'm pregnant... Man, they've been tough! And you won't believe half the theories going around as to who knocked me up."

"Oh, don't worry, dude. I've heard them." It still being the talk of the school. Though, you could see it starting to tail off ever so slightly. "I think Sweaty Swanson has to be my favorite though," you laughed. Having heard that one being jokingly tossed around.

Clearly Randall hadn't. Looking pretty put off by the idea as he responded, "Eww, gross!"

With the subject having been brought up, you felt it appropriate to ask, "No luck with finding out anything more about the actual father then I'm guessing?" Still feeling a twinge of guilt about this as you did. Reminding you of just how pissed off Randall had been that you'd kept his identity a secret from him. Still thankful that he'd managed to forgive you.

Shaking his head, Randall replied, "Nah. Apart from the few mentions here and there in her diary and an old phone number that seems to have been disconnected, I've got nothing." Surmising though that it was, "probably for the best anyway. I think finding him would just complicate things."

"Yeah..." Putting aside your previous reservations, you could certainly see that happening. And whoever this "John" guy was, if he'd truly been invested in Miss. Card's life, you'd think he would have heard something. "I guess it was just like a summer fling... Or maybe he was married." Both of these being a definite possibility.

"Maybe," he agreed. Looking more than a little uncomfortable with the subject however. "Anyway, lets talk about something else, huh?" Gesturing then towards his Xbox. "Or how about I kick your ass at COD again? It's been a while."

It had. And seeing as for the next two hours at least, there would be nobody "dropping in" on him, you were more than happy to have a game. It being nice to get back to some normality between the two of you. Well... as normal as it got these days. What with Randall using his growing pregnant belly to rest his controller on. Something that two months ago, you would never have imagined baring witness too. It still blowing your mind that there was a little person in there. A little baby boy at that.

You have the following choices:

1. School breaks up for the holidays.

2. Spending Christmas with your family.

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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