Shaking off her fear and springing to her feet, Weiss took a running start and leapt from the edge of the bed. She aimed for Blake’s leggings over Yang’s bare legs, feeling that the sheer material would be easier to climb. Though the Faunus was standing right in front of the bed, the tiny girl was so small that she wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for her glyphs. Summoning several beneath her feet, she used them as stepping stones to bridge the gap, jumping off the last to land just above Blake’s left knee. Oddly the heiress felt much more drained from the experience than she had suspected, glumly realising that her ability to use her semblance had been drastically reduced in this state.
While Weiss lamented her lack of energy, the unaware Blake turned to leave the room with Yang and the little heiress remembered that she had much bigger things to worry about. The speed and momentum of her friend’s leg lifting through the air was nearly enough to make her loose her grip and she probably would have thrown up if her entire body wasn’t stiff with fear. The jarring impact that followed as the Faunus stepped down was even worse and Weiss was extremely glad she had not chosen Yang to climb, as it was only her grip on Blake’s leggings that kept her in place.
The motion and the impacts repeated again and again as the two partners exited the dorm room and headed down the hallway towards the gym, hefting their gym bags over their shoulders in the process. Fortunately for Weiss, Blake had chosen to carry her bag on the opposite side from the leg the heiress now clung to but even without the added danger the tiny girl was starting to wonder if this had been the right choice after all. The hallway blurred pass at what seemed to her an impossible speed but was truly little more than a casual stroll and even as the duo made their way past other students, no-one so much as spared a glance for the tiny bug slinging to the Faunus’s legs.
Still, knowing that staying where she was would do little to help her, and fearing what might happen when the partners reached the gym, Weiss swallowed her fear and struggled to make her way up the seemingly infinite fabric, nearly losing her grip several times but eventually making it to the larger girl’s white shorts. She was aware that the colour of the garment would make her even harder to see, but it wasn’t like anyone had noticed her up to now anyway. Seeing one of the tails of Blake’s vest hanging just to her right, she quickly shimmied across the shorts and reached out to grab it, temporarily loosening her otherwise iron grip as she struggled to reach the shifting garment.
But in focusing on her goal, Weiss had failed to keep track of the conversation between her two giant friends. Of the playful tone in Yang’s voice as she teased her partner. Of the blonde’s proximity to her. And of the mischievous glint in the brawler’s eyes as she closed in.
Smirking as her partner turned her attention away for a moment to slip past another student, Yang pounced. The two had been engaging in their usual playful banter and Blake had made a comment to the effect that the curvy blonde could stand to lose a few pounds. That could not go unanswered, so with a quick skip she closed the distance between them and swung her own hips into Blake’s, happily hip checking the Faunus and nearly knocking her completely off balance in the process. “Hah, don’t pretend you don’t have some curves of your own their Blakey. We’ve all seen that Bellabooty.” Dancing forward a couple of steps to escape any immediate retaliation, she playfully whipped her friend with her hair for good measure but also shot her a small wink to ensure it was all in good fun.
Stumbling slightly, Blake shot Yang a glare as she briefly rubbed her hip but ultimately let the matter drop. It wasn’t worth anyone getting hurt over after all.
Little did Blake know that Weiss had already gotten caught up in their game, and was now…