To your surprise, Brittany wasn’t looking down at you with horror or awe, instead, she was smiling brightly with a shining in her eyes.
“This gives me a great idea. You’re so small, you could come with me to my exam and nobody would notice! You’d be able to give me all of the answers. Who would guess I have a little guy with me helping me out?”
You just stared at the giantess incredulously. You were an inch tall and she was thinking about how you could help her pass her exam tomorrow? It wasn’t even that she didn’t immediately jump to thinking about helping you that bugged you, it was the idea that she wasn’t even really that phased by your shrinking. To be honest, it kind of eased your concern. If she didn’t see reason to worry about it, maybe it wouldn’t be that big of a deal and you’d grow back soon.
“Alright. I’ll help you out. But you owe me a big favor after. Do you have a plan for how we’re going to cheat?”
Brittany brought a hand to her chin considering. Her cute face scrunched up as she thought about the best way to make use of your help. She blurted out the most obvious solution, hoping it would work.
“Why don’t I just put you on my shoulder and then we can look down at the test together. You can whisper the solutions into my ear, and I’ll just write them.”
You shrugged. It seemed simple enough, but it felt like there might be some problems. Wanting to stay safe, you voiced them to Brittany.
“Won’t it be really easy to see me on your shoulder? Like, wouldn’t some people have a reaction if they looked over and saw a tiny guy standing next to you? That could draw a lot of attention to us, which would making it harder for me to whisper in your ear.”
Brittany hadn’t seemed to have thought that far ahead. She mulled it over for a few seconds and shrugged. She brought a hand down to the table in front of you, holding it palm up.
“Nah. I’ll just pretend like you’re a little doll I brought in with me for comfort. You’ll just have to stay as still as possible. Here, let’s go over to the mirror and see how it looks.”
Brittany relayed it confidently, but you were still worried. You had doubts that it would be as easy as she was making it out to be. But she was offering a practice run. Maybe you’d be convinced if you could see what it looked like. Tepidly, you stepped onto the Asian girl’s hand, and as soon as you were in her palm, she rolled her chair back to the nearby mirror on the girls’ wall. She moved her hand up and placed you onto her shoulder, and you immediately came to the first snag in her plan. Your footing was uncertain, and the small movements that Brittany made caused your feet to stumble and tangle.
“Brittany, this isn’t go-AAAHH!”
Your foot caught where her bra strap met her shoulder, and you tripped over it, falling onto your face and rolling off of your precarious perch. You tumbled over the soft squishy skin of her boob for a few moments, but eventually fell down onto the chair below. With a hard THUD, your body splat ungracefully on the padded seat. The impact winded you; you wanted to call out to Brittany, but couldn’t gather the breath to speak.
Brittany bellowed out a laugh; she had watched your entire roll and found it hilarious. Unfortunately for you, she thought you fell onto the floor. She leaned forward, looking to grab you. All she succeeded in doing was giving you a great view of her ass in her tight pink cotton shorts. Her tight round cheeks, half uncovered from the wedgie bending over was giving her, loomed over you while she searched for you on the ground. Just as you had finally caught your breath enough to call out to her, she determined that you must have fell on the stand the mirror was on. You could only watch as the giant girl sat down to look. Right on top of you.
Everything went pink and then dark. You were completely buried under her weight, wedged deep into her crack. Her weight was crushing; it felt like you were being smushed into the chair below. It didn’t exactly smell like roses either. You wiggled to try to get her attention.
Do you succeed?