Sliding behind one of the desk's legs, you take a breath to steel yourself before peeking around at the B-Block door just as it opens, revealing none other than Jedda. The blue-skinned hippo/dragon titaness trudged in, humming a jazzy tune and tucking a folder under one arm. Her footsteps thunderous at ground level and sent faint ripples through her wide girth, especially her belly and behind. That bikini she always wore didn't do much to hide her girth, either. You weren't even sure how it stayed on.
But there were more important thing to worry about with Jedda around...namely that she might eat you if you were spotted. As friendly as Jedda was, all it would take was one little slip of willpower, and you'd be a snack. Just a little more fat on her big belly, some more bulge on her rump that was already big enough to crush a city block. Whimpering, you flatten your back against the desk leg and hope to Christ she doesn't see you. Please just walk through the office, please don't stick around, please just leave....
You peek around the leg again, and catch Jedda close the B-Block door with a hip-check. ...Or try to: she only taps it lightly, and despite the size of her butt and the force it carries, it's only enough to close the door halfway, leaving a small crack open. Jedda, meanwhile, looks at her rear and chuckles. "Not quite enough...oh well, better drop these off." Pulling the folder from under her arm, Jedda opens it and gives its contents a guessed they were reports on the various patients.
Oh no...oh no.... This was bad. Very bad. Orderlies left patient reports on Dr. West's desk! Jedda would surely notice your cage was empty....and go looking for you. And is she thought of her search, even for a second, as hunting...
You shiver as an old nightmare springs to memory.
Jedda pinching you high in the air, held over her wide jaws. The bahamut girl giving you a nonchalant shrug before letting you go, to fall into her maw...seeing her massive teeth from the inside of her mouth....Jedda giggling at your taste...
With a great effort, you wrench yourself back to reality, wiping the cold sweat from your brow. No. You would not have a panic attack! Not here, not now. You could be scared later, now you had to think.
You look up at Jedda again, to find her still leafing through the folder. Perfect, she was distracted! You had a chance! With one last deep breath, you sprint out from under the desk and charge towards the half-open door to B-Block.
But does your gamble pay off...?