Fortunately, it was still early in the morning - around 6:30 AM. That meant that there was no-one around to notice you - or the enormous German Shepherd that reached a whopping 4 feet and 4 inches at the withers. You were infinitely thankful for that because you did not want to explain to a terrified passer-by exactly how and why you were walking a dog whose head easily came up to your stomach. Mainly because you had no idea how and why you were. Although you hoped that Alexander could answer that.
Alexander Chemical was basically a Master of All. There was no simpler way of saying it. He was: an expert in every different scientific subject under the sun - and of the sun and beyond it; a qualified Medical Doctor; a world renowned surgeon; an expert Forensic Scientist specializing in DNA and Genetics; a brilliant musician, an excellent artist; an outstanding author; an incredible Amateur Olympian of an athlete and martial artist; a famous celebrity; and a charming socialite.
So if there was anyone on the planet who could explain what was happening to Hugo to you, it was definitely Alexander Chemical.
He was extremely wealthy - wealthy enough to own a multi-million dollar mansion - of a design somewhat reminiscent of a 'v', with a large garden with a pond, pool and tennis court in the back - atop a hill on the outskirts of the central district and the vast majority of the central district itself - yet did not allow this to go to his head. He was a polite, courteous and amiable individual who had no real enemies - in the central district that was, there were several people who had falsely accused him of various things and he had often taken the cases to court for that. Being a celebrity is not always an easy job.
And it was not going to be any easier after this morning.
That mansion was where you and Hugo were heading right now.
As you and Hugo walked up the hill towards Alexander's estate, it appeared as though Hugo had realised where they were going and he began to grow...
Damn, you really needed to not use that word at the moment. Especially when there was still the possibility that Hugo could still gr - get - bigger, and if so, you had no idea how much bigger Hugo could or would get.
You shake these thoughts away, literally, as you shudder in fear and... excitement. The thought of Hugo being big enough to look you in the eye, or perhaps look down at you, was still one that brought about conflicting emotions.
You shake these thoughts away also, mentally this time, as you realise that during your pondering about the future, you have almost reached Alexander's. At least Hugo has not run ahead - he would have easily pulled you right off your feet.
You hit the buzzer at the gate to Alexander's estate and waited, for what felt like an hour but was almost certainly only six seconds, trying to curb your anxiety, knowing that showing fear would only further excite the massive dog standing right next to you.
The buzzer gasped out a response.
"Yes, who is it?"
"Alex, it's me. Fred."
"Ah Fred, hello! One moment, I'll open the gate for you."
With that, the large white gates before you opened and you began to briskly walk to the front door of the mansion, which was sheltered by a large balcony for the upper floor that was supported by huge marble columns.
After a few seconds, you were able to make out Alexander's silhouette through the glass of the front door. His hair was a rather odd colour. It was a brown - a few shades lighter than his eyes - yet it appeared to be a fiery red. And not only was he a tremendously tall man, with a height of 6' 4" compared to your height of 6' even, he was also, most certainly, an impressively well-built man, with a powerful, well-defined musculature that had taken decades of intense effort and training and discipline to achieve.
When Alexander opened the door, he made to say something, almost certainly a greeting but stopped as soon as he laid eyes on Hugo.
"Wow. Wow."
"Yeah, hi Alex. As you can see, Hugo... Hugo got big. Like, really big. Like twice his usual size big. It happened after he got injected with something last night. And because you're a super-genius, I thought that you would be the best person to ask for an explanation."
Alexander looked at you to acknowledge that you said something before turning his gaze back to Hugo. The huge German Shepherd was sitting on his rear, cocking his large head to the side and staring intensely at Alexander with his big brown eyes.
Alexander let out a deep sigh.
"Of course, of course. I'd be happy to help, it's just that this is so... so... incredible."
You nod your head and make a noise of agreement. The whole situation truly was incredible.
Alexander let out another deep sigh.
"Alright. Let's step inside."
Alexander stepped to the side and gestured for Hugo and you to step inside. Hugo proceeded to do so first, the giant canine's head reaching Alexander's stomach - and unlike with you, not reaching 2" above the middle of the stomach but reaching the top of the stomach. The dog's height did not go unnoticed by Alexander, whose eyes widened in amazement at the realisation, as he turned to face you. You simply smile nervously, unsure of what you should say or if you should even say anything before you step inside as Alexander closes the door behind you.
Alexander guides you through the main hall, past the two stairways that move away from each other but with a space in the middle to allow access, past the huge decorative iron bell and then to the right, through the corridor and through the double doors into the living room, the surface beneath your feet changing from an immaculate stone grey and cream checkered marble to light wood panels with a dark border and grey diagonal square for each panel, except around the fireplace, which was surrounded by panels in the same style but with dark wood with a black border and the diagonal square was the same light wood of the other panels.
He gestured to you to take a seat on the modern white sofa and you did so, sitting on one side with Alexander opposite you with Hugo in the middle.
"So Fred, tell me exactly what happened last night."
So you did, telling him everything from your return from the Cartoonists conference to finding the stranger in your basement to waking up and finding Hugo in the state he was now.
"So, I was hoping that you could help me and find out why Hugo's grown. And if he might... well... you know..."
"Keep growing?"
Alexander looked at you for a few seconds before he let out a deep breath through his nostrils.
"Very well. Leave him with me and I will examine him and ask my scientists at the Research Facility about this development."
You let out a loud sound of pure relief.
"Thank you Alex! Thank you!"
Alexander simply smiled.
You stroked Hugo's back a few times before you patted him on the head. And with that, you got up and walked home.
It was only a week before Alexander got back to you about Hugo. During that time you had been back at work, working on animations for some video game about cops fighting gangsters while jumping between cars. However, you had been unable to hide your anxiety over Hugo's situation, with several of your co-workers commenting on your condition. However, you had gotten through unscathed and you were relaxing at home when the call came through.
"Hello? Fred?"
"Alex! Have you found out what happened?"
"Yes, I have. You should come to my house so we can go over the results. However, there is something you should know."
"What's that?"
"Fred, Hugo has..."