"Hmm..." You ponder about the limitless possibilities in front of you. You had an actual, real life genie at your disposal. You could do anything, rule the world even. You just had to ask. "Let's start small, genie. I wish my house was a mansion... No wait, a castle." The genie smiles. "Sorry master, but your home's only going to get smaller." You stare blankly at the genie. "What? Just grant my wish genie." She simply smiled again. "No can do." A blue light flashed through the room, momentarily blinding the two of you. "And why's that?" You ask, getting increasingly annoyed. "I'm not a genie anymore."
"You wished, and I quote, no one but me can touch your bottle. Now, that would be a mighty fine wish, but I'm always touching that bottle. Your wish was simply incompatible with our current reality. So I did the only thing I could in our situation, I granted your wish, to the best of my ability." She giggled slightly, hovering her hand over the flashing bottle, pushing towards it, but unable to actually touch it.
"I am going to miss the old home, but a break is going to be nice after centuries of work." She leaned against a nearby desk, the two of you watching in awe as her smoky lower half turned into a pair of long, smooth legs. She waved them around, smiling as she did. "Oh I've missed having legs."
You didn't like where this was going. Either this genie was going to leave you with a crappy lamp, or... A warm pink glow shot out of the lamp, this time only striking you. You felt odd, though you couldn't place what was wrong. "W-what's going on, mistress?" You ask, unknowingly adding mistress to the end of your sentence. "Mistress? I could get used to that." She giggled, watching as your legs vanished into a pink, wispy tail, hips, thighs and ass she coming curvy and smooth. "What's so funny mistress? What happened to my wish?" You ask, your voice breaking into a high pitch. "Oh nothing... And I've already told you. I'm not the genie anymore." You stand paralysed as she gropes one of your c... No dd-cup breasts. "You're my genie now." She smiled, as blond hair fell down your soft face, passing your plump pink lips.
You stared blankly, a haze lifting from your mind. "I'm your... No! That's... This is." You stare in disbelief, running a hand down your perfect hourglass figure.
She smiled, stating