Bill Terry was the quarterback for the Hogs. He was like most players at his position, handsome, 6'5", big hands, and an arm like a cannon. Unlike other quarterbacks however, he was. 300+ pounds. He didn't let his weight hurt him though, instead he used it to punish defenders. He loved nothing more than smashing a player who was trying to bring him down.
Despite the fact that the team had won, Bill didn't have a great game. He felt off, not only passing, but he didn't get a chance to hit anyone. He was in a bad mood and he needed to let off some steam. Keith was about to find this out the hard way. After the rest of the team had left, Keith approached Bill.
"Hey there Bill," Keith said, " shame about that last interception. You didn't look so good out there today. Something on your mind?"
That was it. Bill didn't need hear about his poor play from the towel boy.
"Yeah little man," Bill said, "there is something on my mind. I didn't get to abuse anyone today, but it looks like you just volunteered."
With that said, Bill shoved Keith against the lockers. He pressed his full weight against him, and got right in his face.
"I hope you can help me correct that though," Bill said.
He stepped back, then slammed his fat stomach back against Keith. He did this several times, pounding him against the lockers. After awhile, Keith couldn't take it anymore and fell to the floor. Not finished yet, Bill positioned himself above Keith's stomach and dropped down. Instantly, all the air was pushed from Keith's lungs. He tried to say something, but was cut off.
"We aren't done yet towel boy," Bill said, " I still need to get this out of my system. Here, this might help."
Bill lifted up slightly, but only to then drop his massive ass onto Keith's face. He had to grind around a bit, but he was now comfortable. Without missing a beat, he let out a massive fart. Unfortunately for Keith, he was positioned right under the hole, and took the full brunt of the fart. It was by far the worst thing he had ever smelled. His eyes were watering, and he was running out of air fast.
Almost on cue, Bill lifted his massive ass. Not for long however. As soon as he heard Keith suck in a deep breath, he dropped down again. Once again, he let loose another monstrous fart. Keith loved big fat guys, but he didn't want this. This was the worst thing that could have happened to him.
"Oh man," Bill said, " here comes a big one."