Emma entered the doorway, laughing manically as she did so. Ravi stood in silence, still calculating in his mind what was going on. Why was his sister laughing? Had she something to do with this?
"Oh, Ravi," Emma said slowly walking toward him, making sure her bare feet pounded the carpet with every step to emphasize her comparably large size. "You and your silly little inventions are always getting you into trouble. When will you ever learn?"
Emma finally got close enough to Ravi to where she could place her gigantic bare feet directly in front of him. Emma wiggled her toes which caused Ravi to tumble backward. Emma laughed at her adoptive younger brother becoming overwhelmed by her massive size.
"It's such a shame, Ravi, you had a nice future ahead of you. You could have cured cancer or become a doctor or something. Now you're just going to be reduced to my play thing."
Emma bent over and began to pick up Ravi. Ravi, who was still trembling in his shoes, didn't bother to run away from his secretly demented little sister. Emma curled her hands up around Ravi and slowly brought him to her face.
"Hmm, you look good enough to eat," Emma said, giving her little brother a lick. Ravi coughed and gagged as the thick saliva entered his nose and mouth, causing Emma to giggle in response.
"What's the matter, don't like a big sloppy kiss from your sister?" Emma asked.
"Please Emma," Ravi begged. "Don't do anything you might regret! I am your brother after all!"
Emma rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Um, no, you're not my brother. My brother was at least five feet tall. You are nothing but my plaything. Now shut up and let me have fun with you!"
Emma then popped the Ravi into her mouth like a piece of candy, cutting off Ravi's screams as she shut her mouth. Emma then used her tongue to assault Ravi, constantly pushing him up and down the sides of her mouth. She even used her pink muscle to force Ravi onto the roof of her mouth and slid him across the slippery surface.
Ravi was in immense pain as the wet, vibrant muscle pretty much made him completely submissive. He could do nothing about the location in his sister's mouth, the hot, moistness of his sister's tongue or even his own actions. Instead he was forced to just lie back and accept whatever punishment was doled out to him.
"Hmm," Emma said, clearly enjoying the taste that Ravi's body provided. "You're so good, I could just eat you up."
"Nooooooooo!" Ravi screamed. "I'll do anything. Please do not send me into the confines of your stomach."
Emma thought for a minute and then decided to____________.
1. Spit Ravi out to play with him using her feet.
2. Spit Ravi out so she can use him as a seat cushion.
3. Toy with Ravi inside her mouth for a while, leading to a moment where she accidentally swallow's him.