Helena gathered the courage to finally look into Emily's clothing, only to discover the now naked, doll sized girl. After finding Emily, they both made eye contact with one another, astonished by the strange set of circumstances.
"How did this happen to you?" she exclaimed.
"I don't know!"
"Well I know one thing, I'm going to bring you to the nurses office, hopefully they can help.." but before she could finish she felt dizzy again, this time more so than last. Unbeknownst to Helena, her formally snug sweatshirt was becoming looser, along with her pants and shoes. She first started to notice something was off as her glasses started to slide off her face, now too big to serve their purpose.
Emily, still in shock from shrinking to doll size came to, she noticed Helena not being as tall as before, along with her struggling with her clothing.
"Whats happening to me? Am I going to get as small as you?" However Emily stood there silently as she watched her peer slowly descending to join her.
Helena finally gave up on trying to keep her glasses on her face, now shifting to trying to keep some dignity with attempting to hold up her pants. Her arms slid through he sweatshirt and she tripped out of her shoes and socks, almost loosing balance. She was about twice the height of Emily when her pants became too much and she let them descend to the floor, not focusing on holding up her panties. Her sweatshirt now looked like adults clothing, she thought back to the comment she had made to Emily about her situation, the irony of it all. Now the process seemed to accelerate, her panties, no longer being able to be held up by her hips, fall into the mess of a clothing pile. She was then enveloped by the shirt, scared beyond belief and petrified with fear,
Once Helena had vanished into her shirt, Emily's concern was raised and she jumped out of her pile of clothes and scurried across the floor to the now fresh pile of clothes. Emily tugged with all her might to pull back the shirt, discovering the freshly diminished Helena hiding in her formally fitting breast cups. Helena looked up at the girl that was the same size as her, both said no words for a long while.
"We need to find someone so they can help us, also we need to get out of this hallway before the bell rings for next period", Helena said with some renewed confidence.
Emily greatly appreciated the confidence, still knowing that Helena was still nervous and scared just like her. Emily was helping Helena out of her pile when they both heard noise coming from down the hallway.
Who's coming down the hallway?