Realizing that your Mother wasn't strong enough to lift you up the stairs, you put the blowpipe in your apron, and retrieve the phone from your front pocket and begin to text your close friend William, whose you've known since the 6th grade.
Dude I need your help You send to him.
sure man whats up He quickly replies.
Its really weird and hard to xplain. How fast can you get here? You type back, trying to to scratch your phone screen with your manicured fingers.
u know I like weird. B there n 5 He promptly replied.
The next five minutes were spent pacing the floor, thinking of how you were going to try and explain this to your friend, and just on time, a knock came from the front door. You open the door to William, still panting a tad from the bike ride there. William, unlike the rest of your friend group, was built, and goes to the gym fairly regularly. You, while muscular, don't spend much time at the gym, so you don't exactly look it. William was also admittedly the best looking of your friends, with strong shoulders, a masculine, jaw, and a pair of gorgeous blue eyes to complement his bright, clean blond hair. You blinked blankly at that thought, it being such a foreign concept to your heterosexual mind. Maybe it's more of your Mom's doing?
"Hello Miss Shriner," he said politely, locking his bike near the porch, "Is Jake home?"
"No- I mean... yes," you reply, feeling as out of breathe as he is, "I mean... just come in. I've got a lot to explain."
William gave you a cockeyed look. "Okaaaay?" But entered regardless, and noticed your unconscious body on the floor the second he closed the door. "Dude!" He shouted, coming to your side and checking for injuries. "You alright? Hello?"
"You can't make me up, dude." You say, crossing your arm under your ample breasts, looking more mommish than ever.
William looked up from his sleeping friend to his usually chopper, now strange acting mother. "Wait... what?"
"Okay.. so this is going to sound really strange, but you know how I always talked about artifacts have ceremonial purposes and the archeological facts about the use of "magic"? You said, making finger quotes.
William wrinkled his brow. "Wait... what are you-"
"I found one William," You said excitedly, "and it allows me to possess others! I've been... occupying my Mom for almost forty minutes!"
"Dude!" William said, nearly tripping over your sleeping form in excitement. "Wait, okay, tell me something that only Jake would know."
You grinned, happy to see he was so open to the idea, at least. "When you came over to my house Freshman year and you slept on your jeans and I had to bring you ice because your balls were swollen when you woke up. You couldn't move for almost a day!"
"Bro!" He replied. "You did it?! You know I love hearing about all that weird archeology shit, but this is in-fucking-credible!" He ran up to you and lifted you off your feet, being taller and much stronger than your Mom's dainty form. "I mean look at you! You've got tits now! What even is that?!"
"I know, it's weird as shit being in my Mom's body," you replied as he set you down. "I can feel her emotions, I can see some of her memories... it's jarring at times. But wait. Back to the matter at hand. I need your help lifting my body up to my bed. This body is way to weak to do it, and Angelina will be home in like 20 minutes."
"Dude of course," he replies, easily lifting all 185 pounds of sleeping you, " but I have so many questions, we gotta hash this shit out more."
"Of course," you say following him up the stairs. "What else do you wanna know?"
"Well first off," he continued, opening your door, "As a man, what's it like having tits? Like your Mom has a wonderful pair of tits. How do they feel?"
"Well to be honest, I've only... felt them once," you reply, your Mom's face turning scarlet, "They are super sensitive though. I'm not it's a dude turned chick thing, or an I'm just not used to it thing, but I can feel every shake, bounce, and rub against them."
"You haven't even looked at them?!" William replied, guffawing, as he gently placed your sleeping form into your unmade bed. "That would have been my first thing!"
"I didn't have the chance dude," you replied, tucking yourself in. "Apparently my Mom deals with a lot of heavy emotional things on the daily. I could barely contain it at first. She's still not over my Dad."
"Yeah, I heard the rumors," William replied, quietly shutting the door as you both entered the hallway. "Cheated on your Mom right? What a dick."
"Wait, you knew?" You questioned, surprised.
"Only the rumors," William replied defensively. "But I heard it was with our old math teacher, the super hot one. Mrs. Steel? Heard she also got a divorce through the fallout. What dramatic shit."
The sound of the front door opening snapped you away from the conversation. "Mom! I'm home!" Angelina shouted from downstairs.
"Dinners on the stove, sweetie! Help yourself!" You call back in a very mom tone. William chuckled at the sudden switch of tone.
"I've got another question." William said in a hushed voice.
"This way then," you acknowledged, leading him into your Mom's room and locking the door behind you.
You looked around the room. Super clean and organized with the king sized bed neatly made up from the morning. By instinct, you leaped onto the bed. You loved Mom's giant bed and wished you always had one. Now, technically tonight, this bed was yours. William gave you a strange look.
"Sorry," you said, almost feeling embarrassed. "I've always thought Mom's got the comfiest bed. Guess I get to sleep here tonight!"
William chuckled. "Fair is fair. Anyway... I've got an unusual request."
You raise an eyebrow at William.