There was exactly half a year in between the battle of Bywater and the marriage of Sam Gamdschie and his beloved Rose Cotton. As we all know Hobbits tend towards puting on weight rather than loosing some. So all in all it was not surprising, that after the hardship under Saruman, some Hobbits did so. Sam, Frodo, Merry and Pippin did their best to reconstruct the shire back to what it looked like before. With green hills all over and king Ellessar himself let his Dúnedain watch over them.
It was one of the usual evenings, when five hobbits, named Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam and Dick sat at a table in the Green Dragon. "Good evening guys. What can I do for you?", asked Rose, who worked at the inn. "We would like a beer each", replied Pippin loud and clear. She went of. Sam turned around like hypnotized from her curly blonde hair. "Oh, you like her, hm?", asked Merry. Sam blushed. "Well, pretty much", he mumbled. Just a few minutes later, she brought their drinks. "Here you go." She smiled. Sam smiled back and her heart bet faster. "Why don't you invite her to join us?", Pippin asked Sam. "I think she has to work", replied the gardener. "Well I think we all have so much money now, we could pay her tenfold what she would get today, and none of us would notice. You are just shy", said Merry. "That would have been the old Samweis", thought Sam and so he invited her to join them.
A few minutes later the woman sat at the table. Frodo had offered her a seat next to Sam, which she gladly accepted. "Would you like to eat and drink something?", Sam finally asked. Rose had a meal just minutes ago, but the Hobbit next to her looked so kind, that she replied: "Well, why not." He decided to impress her and so he ordered the most expensive meal available. The plate was huge and Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin all had enough before they had finished their share. Rose was stuffed as she hadn't been hungry in the first place, but had eaten either way. "Would you like some more?", asked Sam. He didn't wnat her to go again. "Well, I think I'm gonna explode", she thought to herself. But a foolish part of her remembered that Sam had paied for all of it and it would have been a shame to let it all go to waste. "Well, why not", said Rose and tried her best to smile at Sam.
It was half an hour later when Rosie's overstuffed belly really pushed against her robe. "I think we're gonna leave now", said Frodo. "But Frodo, there's Fredegar and Tom and all the others over there", replied Pippin, oblivious to Frodo's intentions. "No, this table. Leave the two of them", he whispered to Merry and Pippin and so they did.