Shelly’s very chesty and conventionally beautiful, and you should be grateful that you have a hot girlfriend, and yet... you don’t really like her bleached-blonde hair, she tends to wear as much makeup as a drag queen, and although you get the impression that she’s much more intelligent than she lets on, she seems almost compelled to act like a ditz. She doesn’t use her voice very well, either... it’s almost ugly...
A strange website called, if memory serves,, has for only a few hundred dollars, provided you with a combined skin-and-clothes bodysuit that, supposedly, will combine with her body and transform her, as the blurb on the website says, “for an hour or a lifetime,” into a cute, cuddlesome, highly intelligent stereotypical Nerd Girl. It’s a semi-custom design and it’s supposed to make the wearer look like a real-life cross between Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo, and Irma Langenstein from one version of the TMNT cartoon, a rather short girl in sneakers and tube socks, a long skirt, a baggy comfy sweater, thick glasses on an impossibly cute face, warm brown hair.
You make up a story about a costume party, and Shelly is surprisingly cooperative. “I don’t think I’ll fit in it!” Is her only complaint. But she gets completely undressed and you help her inside: there’s a slit from the nape of the thing’s neck down to its waist, and Shelly is actually excited when her long legs shrink and combine with the “skin” part of the costume, when her relatively big feet shrink so that they’re comfortable inside the tiny sneakers. After that she seems almost in a hurry to get into the rest of the costume, and soon her long arms have shrunken to fit inside the suit’s. Finally you stretch the droll-faced head over Shelly’s, and the slit in the back of the costume seals up. The fake nerd-girl glasses have at some point become real glasses frames of good quality and acquired strong lenses.
The girl looking into the mirrored doors of Shelly’s closet takes off her glasses and pops out Shelly’s colored contact lenses from first her left eye and then her right. She puts on her glasses again, puts her contact lenses on Shelly’s dresser, and gives her reflection a proper look. She’s