Yukari needed to show her team what she meant by example. She turned to Ken. He seemed like the most reliable person here. "Ken, you said that you were working on a teleportation ability, but that it was hard to teleport others," she recalled. "Can you tell us what makes it difficult?"
"Well," replied Ken thoughtfully, "It's a concentration problem. I have to really focus on the person to move them to a new spot. If my focus slips, it doesn't work," he reported.
"Do you want to give it a shot? It might give the others an example of how they might work on their own skills," Yukari pointed out. "Here, teleport me!"
Ken looked at her doubtfully. "Um, I'm not really sure..."
"No, really, it'll be fine," Yukari smiled at him reassuringly. She stood in front of him.
Ken closed his eyes, and began to focus. Yukari felt a sudden jolt shift through her body, and felt herself shift through the air. She disappeared and reappeared several feet over, tumbling forward with a crash. "Oww," Yukari said, scratching her head. She looked down to see that she had landed on Junpei. "Ah, thanks, Stupei," she said. "How kind of you to cushion my fall."
Junpei groaned, and shifted. "Well, Yukari," he said dryly, "You clearly have a couple of other things to help cushion your fall. Speaking of which," he added curiously, "Why aren't you wearing a bra?"
Yukari's eyes widened as she realized that her breasts were pressed against his face. Her bra was gone, with only a thin layer of her shirt over her soft skin. Yukari definitely remembered putting on a bra in the morning. She slapped Junpei furiously and jumped up. "What did you do?" she demanded.
"Er, well, that happens sometimes," Ken noted pointing up. A pair of pink pieces of cloth fluttered down, landing on Junpei. "What are these?" he asked. "They're warm."
"Well, I can only teleport what I can visualize, so sometimes I only end up teleporting part of something."
"Give that back," Yukari screeched, snatching her bra and panties from Junpei.
"Wait a second," Junpei asked, "looking at Yukari curiously. "Does this mean that, at the moment, you aren't wearing any underwear?"
Yukari slowly felt a flush spread across her cheeks as a feeling of dread swept over her. Hurriedly, she clutched at the hem of her skirt tightly at the front and back. "You wouldn't dare, she said softly. Her eyes widened.
A sudden gust swept under Yukari's skirt, attempting to sweep it up and expose her personal shaving habits for all to see. The skirt fluttered up at the sides, revealing a tantalizing amount of her pale thighs. The wind subsided, as Yukari managed to keep her skirt pressed against her bare crotch. "Darn" said Junpei.
Yukari was beet red. "Enough of that, idiot," she said, snatching back her panties from Junpei and sliding them up her legs. She needed to regain control of the situation if this useless group were to take her seriously as a leader. In the back, the dog wrestled with her bra. She sighed and turned back to the group. Whose ability should she investigate next?