Vera has grown up, she was forced to on the death of her father, she had to take over his business empire, the biggest in the history of the world. She could no longer rely on her father's influence when she had a tantrum and wrecked a city as she did in her late teenage years it was her alone having to speak to them. Grown up was in more ways than one, she had stopped growing when she was 21 at 900 feet (275m) but she had continued filling out as she matured into a beautiful young woman. With long slender legs and her F cup breasts frequently emphasized in the tightest jeans and tight sweaters of the finest silk, her face was stunning with full pouty lips and long crisp blonde hair framing that very face, her skin was beautifully tanned, emphasized by the copious quantities of gold jewellery she wore, solid gold, when her sweater rose up her belly button ring contained enough gold for the reserves of several countries, her necklaces and pendants could demolish quite sturdy buildings, and several pairs of earrings often caused problems for aircraft as they glistened.. And she still loved her Louboutin boots, owning many pairs, as she stood hands on hips, rings and bracelets glistening, pausing in her stroll across the mountains.
In short she looked a stunning sight as she smiled to herself. The world was hers as CEO of the most powerful corporation the world had known, she could make or break governments, other companies, anything she chose really, and boy did she take advantage of that fact. Her gorgeous pouty face belied a ruthlessness, a sense of superiority, which had developed from her brattiness and tantrums of her teenage years, she was used to getting what she wanted. She had inherited her mother’s looks and her father’s business brain, yet with less of the inherent humanity that he had (though he had a weakness as far as his daughter was concerned and indulged her, maybe because she reminded him so much of his departed wife). She basically ruled the earth with an iron grip. Her rampages now were often for punishment (though occasionally she had a bit of fun when being playful, or drunk or both), immediate evacuations were finely tuned, though often there was not much notice given, and often were incomplete……punishments for daring to compete, for insubordination, and she had no compunction about destroying everything associated with the perceived miscreants. Her wealth increased by the day as her influence continued to grow……
As she stood there hair and jewellery glistening in the sun she took a deep breath of the clear air. She was on a short break walking through the mountains and was enjoying it. She had a small group of friends and confidantes, male and female, normal human size, looking after her interests when she was gone. She could be contacted but fear of the consequences kept her corporation in line under her friends/confidantes so she unlikely to be called. She was relaxed and smiley, but tell that to the mountain villages she had casually wiped out in passing, not really noticing, indeed as she looked down her boots were resting on the ruins of another one, and she shrugged her shoulders and walked on, creating deep boot prints as she did on softer parts of the landscape.
All was peaceful but then as she walked round the next mountain………