I could not believe my eyes as i was rushing down the stairs, but there he was lying in the sofa with his feet hanging over one side and his head over the other, i estimated he was about 8 feet just as i had imagined, i sat on the carpet in awe, pondering about my new found ability to change the size and strength of my big brother, should i shrink him back to normal? or should i grow him even more? would he noticed his growth?... my chain of thoughts was suddenly stopped as he started waking up , when he opened his eyes he was shocked at how everything in the living room seemed so small..
-" The TV didn't look like 60 inches and the sofa seems too small for me", i heard him say...
-" I could have sworn i fitted with even extra space when i laid down yesterday and how come this jersey, three sizes bigger than my size is so tight all of a sudden is really uncomfortable" he said and took it off and threw it at my direction without even looking, as i lifted the shirt off my face i saw Jack looking at himself and his new muscles, flexing them while still lying on the sofa, touching his abs feeling his new chiseled physique, i faked surprised to try and get his attention:
-"Wow... you're huge bro, what happened ?", he quickly snapped out of his trance and look at me with a relaxed smiled
-"I don't know, i just woke up like this but i'm loving it , and sorry about throwing you the jersey just now i was too immersed in my new size ", he said to me as he was standing up almost reaching the 10 feet ceiling with you barely reaching his chest, he looked down at me smiling, when all of a sudden his stomach started growling
-"let's go to the kitchen and get some breakfast but first i wanna try something out" he lifted me and carried me to the kitchen, i hold on tight to his neck to not fall flat on my back
-"Z you're really light" he said jokingly, when we reach the kitchen he stopped and put me down on a chair and asked
-"Well Z, what do you want for breakfast?"
-"A Peanut butter and jelly sandwich" i answered
-"2 peanut butter sandwiches coming right up" he said smiling.
While he prepared breakfast i started thinking about telling him that i had made him bigger and stronger and that i suspect i could control his size at will, and again i started imagining what it would be like if i grew him a lot bigger or shrunk him to my size, or anything in between would be fun, intrigued by my daydreaming he asked me
-"Hey! Z what are you thinking about ?"
-"Nothing much" i lied
-"I don't buy that its been 4 straight minutes since i put the sandwiches in front of you and you haven't even touch them, come on tell me the truth you know you can trust me" he said worried
Looking at him i decided .....