"NOW REMEMBER PET NARUTO, I AM DOING THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. I HOPE THAT AFTER THIS, YOU WILL REALISE HOW MUCH BETTER IT WILL BE NOW THAT I AM YOUR NEW OWNER. AFTER THE THIRTY MINUTES ARE DONE, I WILL COME BACK AND GET YOU OUT OF MY BOOT AND GIVE YOU SOME FOOD TO EAT. AFTERWARDS, WE WILL GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER A LITTLE BIT MORE AND MAYBE EVEN PLAY TOGETHER. JUST REMEMBER, THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR TRYING TO LEAVE ME. YOU COULD HAVE JUST AS EASILY HAVE BEEN SQUASHED IF I DIDN'T NOTICE YOU TRYING TO ESCAPE." told Starfire to Naruto. Naruto, didn't hear anything she said then. The only thoughts in his mind were that he was going to have to spend half an hour in an old smelly boot this titanic woman once wore. All because he wanted to try to get home. He feared just how bad the boot would be to him, especially at his size. It also looked to big for him to try to climb out of. This meant he had to try to talk Starfire out of putting him in there, or else he was going to basically suffocate from the fumes that were surely in there.
"PLEASE STARFIRE! DON'T PUT ME IN THAT BOOT!" pleaded Naruto. "I PROMISE I WON'T TRY TO RUN AWAY AGAIN! JUST PLEASE DON'T PUT ME IN THERE!" Starfire thought this over, but decided to ignore him. He had to learn that his place was with her, and if this was going to help him learn this fact, then so be it. "I'M SORRY NARUTO, BUT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY FOR YOU TO LEARN WHERE YOUR PLACE IS. I SAID I WOULD LET YOU OUT IN THIRTY MINUTES, AND I WILL. YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT YOUR PUNISHMENT. HOPEFULLY AFTER THIS, YOU WON'T TRY TO RUN AWAY." To her, this really was the best she could come up with. And in her mind, it was for his own good. He seriously could have been hurt if he hadn't been found. The thought of her pet being eaten by animals, crushed under a random person's foot, or badly hurt by anything else scared her. She seemed to instantly bond with him at first sight and it pained her to imagine what would have happened if she hadn't found him first. "Hopefully after this, we can start to bond with each other." thought Starfire.
She then started to move her hand over the opening of her boot. To Naruto, the smell that rose from it was bad enough. "If this is what it smells like from a distance," thought Naruto, "than this punishment is going to be horrible." Starfire, seeming the fearful expression on his face, tried to calm him down. "It's okay, Naruto" Starfire whispered to him in a calming voice. "I promise that when the thirty minutes are up, if I am not trying to stop a villain, I will come and get you out of this boot for your punishment. Afterwards, we can start to bond like an owner and pet should." To Naruto, this actually served to calm him down. The words she said to him showed that she had no malice to him, but cared for him, and that she didn't want him to get hurt. "Wow," thought Naruto. "She really does care for me. Maybe after this, I will be able to explain the full situation to her and she'll let me go." Naruto thought it over, and would accept the punishment, only because of the chance to talk this over with her. "OKAY!" shouted Naruto. "I WILL ACCEPT THIS PUNISHMENT!" Starfire was overjoyed with what she heard him shout. "Maybe this means he is finally accepting now. How glorious!" she thought. ”OKAY NARUTO. GET READY." She positions him to were when she let go, he would slide down to the end of her boot. And finally, she released him.
To Naruto, the fall wasn't all that bad. Sure, it was scary at first, but the slide down wasn't all that bad. When he landed, he looked up to see Starfire's face looking down at him. "OKAY NARUTO, BE GOOD. I'LL BE BACK IN THIRTY MINUTES. DON'T TRY TO ESCAPE AGAIN." and with that, she left. Naruto looked around at his temporary home and saw how it was. The smell was horrible. It was like someone left a dumpster outside in the summer sun for a week. "Oh god!." thought Naruto. "The smell in here is worse then the dumpster outside my apartment back in Konoha." He then noticed how spongey the floor was. "Huh. I owned why it is do spongey?" Reaching down, Naruto pushed down on the floor and what happened next disgusted him. Out if the insole came an inch of foot sweat that soaked into the insole. "Okay, that's it." Naruto said. "I am thoroughly disgusted. It wasn't the end of his observations. He decided to check the end of the boot and saw five imprints. Holy cow! I can fit into these and have some room to spare." he said. He then realised just what these were. Good lord! Those are her toe imprints. If that's my size compared to her toe, I could have seriously died if I didn't find her." After ten minutes, Naruto finally decided to take a quick nap. "Okay, where can I rest for a minute?" Naruto asked to himself. He quickly decided to speed on the heel imprint. "Well, it's better than the toes. The smell is ten times as bad." Naruto quickly fell asleep and woke up ten minutes later. As the minutes dragged on, the smell kept getting to him. "God, I hope this punishment ends soon. This smell is really starting to get to me."
Eventually the thirty minute mark came and there was no Starfire yet. "Okay, it's been thirty minutes. She should be here by now. Maybe she just lost track of time or something. I hope she gets back here soon. I'm getting a little bit hungry." The time came and gone, and Starfire was no where in sight. Fifteen more minutes pass by and Naruto starts to get worried. "Where is she? She said she would get me out after thirty minutes. It's been longer than thirty minutes and she still hasn't showed." Naruto didn't know this, but something had happened that led to Starfire having to go away for a while. All the while, the stench was getting to Naruto.
Was it...